Anger Is Birthed In Powerlessness

Anger comes from feeling powerless.
Feeling Powerless comes from thinking that we are separate from God; It is not recognizing God within.
Not recognizing God within makes us think that we can be acted upon; That other people are separate from us, and can have power over us. Thinking other people can have power over us, we have given the control of our responses over to them. We are then playing the victim! And this leads to everybody pushing against everybody else, and the madness escalates!

The fear of seeing our own anger causes us to try to hold it in. It is a fear of seeing this anger inside us! We are afraid of confronting it! We are also afraid of seeing other people’s anger! Fear of confrontation is also FEAR!

There are really only two things; Fear and Love.

Follow me here: It only makes sense that “God” (whether you think “He” is an energy or a person, and no matter what word you use to describe “Him”) created the world and everything in it! I didn’t create it, because it was here before me. Neither did you, for the same reason.

So, in every situation that causes angst to rise up within you, there is only one question we have to ask ourselves, “What am I afraid of?”

If it’s money, the fear almost always comes down to thinking that you won’t “make it”!
Which indicates that you think it is your job to supply for what God created! How arrogant! It’s ego! To think that we have to provide for what God created, as if He can’t supply for what He created! We do this with other people, too, and it’s called “co-dependence”; We don’t really think they can take care of themselves, so we have to do it for them! It is only our perception that we are separate from God, and so are other people, that makes us think that. We see the temporal, physical world, so we assume that, since we can’t “see” God, it is us who has to take care of this physical world we are in! But it’s not! It’s not me who created it, so it’s not my responsibility to provide for “it”! He put me in a body, so it’s His responsibility to provide for it! We never need think about it, even! Our only job is to TRUST, and then to follow the promptings in the moment! That’s it! We have no other job! God created all this, even ME, so it is His job to take care of it!

Now, recognize that He created us “in His image”, means, literally, “IN HIS IMAGINATION.” Just like you create everything in your life by thinking about it! That Universal Law isn’t new; It’s the way it is, and God keeps His own rules! Everything is first created spiritually, then it manifests physically. So, God thought me into existence! I am, literally, a projection of Him! If I am a projection of Him, then God is within me! If God is within me, then all I have to do is listen for the “God Within” to give me directives!

So, worrying about money is based in FEAR, which is based in belief that we have to take care of what God created; He can’t do it for himself; I have to! That’s ego, and is actually faulty perception of what’s really going on! It is all our projection! Now, since our projections also create, just like God’s do, what it creates is birthed in fear, because we were afraid that He wouldn’t, or couldn’t, supply. So we get back manifestations of fear! And they show up as all sorts of messes! Some of them are called “tumors”. Some are called “allergies”. Some are called “defiant teenagers.” Some are called “eviction.” Some are called “foreclosure”. You get the idea! But it was all created out of our fear.

God is Love. Love is God. What’s really going on is that GOD CAN, and He does, and He is, taking care of everything that He has created! THAT is our inheritance! THAT is our natural state of being! I’m convinced that is why God sends us here as little babies, so we can see how trusting our natural state is. He is actually taking care of everything all the time! You only think He isn’t, because you are functioning out of fear. And that was learned. It was not your natural state of being. Miracles and everything good is your natural state! Just like God, who is inside you anyway! Miracles happening all the time is what’s NORMAL! It is thinking that it isn’t that way that is a misunderstanding and is faulty perception.

Fear is the problem; Love is the solution!

So, when you see someone (maybe even your child or spouse!) “freaking out”, you can say to them, “I don’t know why you’re upset, but I do know this: I love you, and we’re on the same team.” Just keep saying it! If they are reacting to some fear that you used to project into them, then apologize. As many times as it takes if you must! It’s worth it in the end, as both of you will be restored to Love. It will remind them that they are not separated, and they will calm down, and feel loved, and their panic (fear!) will dissipate. And being reminded of the constant flow of Love will ease all their fear, and they will be made whole!

It’s a miracle!

Knowing this instantaneously releases all limiting beliefs! From this frame can you even think of any limiting beliefs?? No! And you know why? Because THIS is the mind of God!

And He is in you…..and in everybody else too! That’s why we’re all connected, and all on the same team; Because we are all projections of God! So….I’m His responsibility! And my ONLY responsibility is to TRUST, and then FOLLOW His voice (promptings) welling up within me, in each moment.

If you would like to read a book that drives this concept home, read A Course In Miracles. I also like a companion to it, which is this author’s commentary on A Course In Miracles, which is called, A Return To Love, by Marianne Williamson.

Ahhhh….No fear! All Love!

Janeen J. Detrick

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