Overcoming Everything

The key to overcoming EVERYTHING is to realize that you are here for your OWN EXPANSION (growth!); You are not here to please other people! To OVERCOME EVERYTHING, we must focus on what WE WANT, not what others have tried to get us to become.

This is not a narcissistic, rebellious endeavor. Rather, when we become the best we can be, rather than submitting to someone else’s control, we add to the Universal Intelligence pool, rather than becoming assimilated into what is already there! Literally, it is selfish to rob the Universe of our own unique energy! And by virtue of the fact that we want to become the best we can be, THAT involves becoming a loving human being, which disallows us to remain in any way self centered!

Some might wonder if this would cause us to become self centered in a negative way. I submit to you that you are already so highly evolved spiritually that you wouldn’t become a selfish, greedy, “bad” person! It isn’t within you to do so! You are already completely, 100% evolved relative to that issue! You WANT to bless the lives of others! So, there’s no need for you to focus on what you’ve already mastered! BUT, if you only focus on helping needy people, what is it that will come into your experience? LOTS OF NEEDINESS, but it won’t necessarily come together with the capability of doing anything to help them! YOU MUST FOCUS on earning money and becoming rich if you really want to be able to be free to help others. If you do not, the means to have both the TIME FREEDOM to help them, as well as the money to help them, will elude you. YOU GET WHAT YOU FOCUS ON! If you never focus on becoming rich, you will be the slave of working a job, and won’t even have time for your family, let alone for helping and serving others! Getting rich allows you to have the time, and the means!

So, we’re not talking about becoming self centered, but rather “self expansion” focused.

A student asked about the limiting belief surrounding “deservingness” and getting rich.

Remember, we get what we focus on; Not what we deserve, because even mean, nasty people can become rich, if they focus on it! Their lack of integrity will attract to their experience other unpleasant things, so don’t worry, they don’t get to be at peace; Just rich! In Universal Law, there’s not really any such thing as deservingness! The Universe returns to you EXACTLY what you FOCUS on, whether it’s “good”, or “bad”, wanted or unwanted. The Bible says it this way, “The Lord maketh the sun to shine on the just and the unjust.”

It seems to me that one reason that mean, nasty, greedy people seem to get rich quickly is because they don’t have any altruistic, humanitarian thoughts milling around in their heads to distract their focus! Jesus taught this principle when he said, “Children of the darkness are wiser than children of the light.” What did he mean? The parable indicates that he meant that he wished the altruistic people were as capable with money as the greedy people are.

Next week we’ll discuss the two primary methods for overcoming limiting beliefs, as well as the process of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) for re-programming your sub conscious mind. Bring your list of limiting beliefs!

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