Rome wasn’t built in a day

So you want to create a better life for yourself?

Pushing against things, forcing, controlling, IS the block that prevents the wellness and abundance from flowing freely to us! What does “pushing against things” sound like, and feel like?

It sounds like, “I can’t stand when people do that!”
“It drives me nuts when…”
“I hate it when guys wear earings.”
“I think the government should stop interfering in our lives.”
“I think big corporations are out to get us!”
“Pharmaceutical companies are only in it for the money”
Okay…You get the idea; Anything you disapprove of with energy! You are allowed to have preferences, but that is different than having negative energy on a subject or issue, or person, or event.
Negative energy inside you is exactly what attracts negative situations into your life! Get rid of the negative energy inside you, and you can’t attract negative into your life! This “angst” inside you, Is what keeps you from being successful!
It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to feel successful now (which has the attractor power!), and simultaneously wonder when you’ll finally get what you are wanting! If you’re doing the one, you won’t be doing the other!

People who are really successful, don’t hold the same thought processes as people who just get by.
The difference between World Class thinkers, and Middle Class thinkers, is how they FRAME the situations they have encountered. It is the superior framing that allows them to not have negative energy inside themselves.

World class thinkers re-frame the past to serve them; Middle Class thinkers blame the past for where they are now.

World Class thinkers don’t even believe in mistakes: There’s no such thing! It was just the process you had to go through to learn what you needed to learn! Middle Class thinkers think that mistakes are embarrassing.

World Class thinkers think that if they’re being kicked in the seat of he pants, it’s because they are out front! Middle Class thinkers think that criticism says something negative about them; World Class thinkers think that criticism is just another perspective they can consider!

World Class thinkers embrace change: Change brings opportunity for growth! Middle Class thinkers fear change, because they want to control their environment, in an effort to not feel powerless.

World Class thinkers know that happiness is a decision, not a condition. Middle Class thinkers believe that they will be happy once____(some positive situation)_____happens!

World Class thinkers believe that money has nothing at all to do with happiness! They believe that money is what you enjoy your happiness with. Middle Class thinkers believe that they can’t be happy unless they have money.

What it really comes down to is accepting responsibility for how we’re feeling. No One can make you feel a certain way; Only YOU can make you feel a certain way! So, if you’re feeling it, it’s INSIDE YOU!
We can’t even blame our parents, because it (whatever it was) wouldn’t have hurt your feelings, unless you agreed with it, OR were framing it in a way that didn’t serve you!

So, re-script the kind of a person you want to be. Adopt these World Class ways of framing things. Say new things about yourself to yourself.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
It will take time, but when there’s no negative energy inside of you, which means you’re not pushing against anything, it will happen a lot faster!

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