
Calling All Critical People; Do you realize that if you are critical of YOURSELF, you will attract other people into your life who will also be critical of you?

Have you ever noticed others being critical of you? Do you have a bunch of critical people in your life? NEWSFLASH: YOU HAVE MORE CONTROL OVER HOW OTHER PEOPLE TREAT YOU, THAN YOU THINK! Clear the criticism that you level at YOURSELF, and you’ll be amazed! OTHER PEOPLE won’t criticize you any more! Really!

Let me explain:

When you are filled with self criticism; “I should have gone to college.” “I am lousy at math.” “I’m never going to learn internet marketing.” “I’ve never been co-ordinated.” “I’m just not pretty enough.” “I’m too fat.’ What you’re really doing is projecting those things into your energy field that surrounds your body, so that when another person comes into your presence, their energy field reads your energy field, and they will affirm back at you what you feel about yourself! The reason you attract whom you attract, is because they have a shared memory in their energy field that matches the ones you have, and that causes them to be drawn to you. So, critical people flock together!

Literally, when you start loving yourself, and being nice to yourself, everyone around you will READ THAT in your energy field, and they will respond in kind. The critical people will lessen their degree of criticism, or they will vibrate themselves right out of your life! You won’t have to make them leave, you won’t have to throw them out; You won’t have to do anything to make it happen; They will either respond to your new, positive energy field, and change their attitudes toward you, OR they will just stop being drawn to you! Isn’t that a relief? Either way, YOU WIN! There won’t be any more critical people in your life!

Now, if this is someone you WANT to be in your life, then just visualize them responding positively to the change inside you, and see them being happy around you. Then, it will happen!

And to think….It all starts with you deciding to love and accept yourself, even with your weaknesses. Forgive yourself, accept yourself, and admire all that is good within yourself! Write a list of positive qualities you possess or want to possess, and also a list of the kind of person you want to become.

You will become that person!

Now, I’d like to teach you one more thing about this subject of criticism: If you will not resist the experience of having someone criticize you, and frame it as “just receiving their input and listening to their perspective”, it takes the sting out of allowing yourself to hear it! Everyone can come to completely different conclusions, based on the same data, so everyone can have a totally different perspective! Frame criticism as “additional input that I can consider”. That absence of resistance to whatever they are saying will serve you in two ways: First, they feel heard, and as a result, they soften. Secondly, because you had no resistance within you and you allowed yourself to have the experience of being criticized, you had no negative energy inside you about it! And do you know what that means? It means you can never attract that experience again, because you don’t have any negative energy inside of you attracting it! Yippee!

And it all starts with you not being critical of you.

Think about what this says about the people who criticize you; They must be miserable inside. They wouldn’t be critical of YOU unless they had criticism inside themselves, toward themselves! For example, the father who criticizes his son for “only playing in a band, instead of getting a real job!”, is really projecting into his son that he is mad at himself because he didn’t make it in music. The mother who criticizes her daughter for planning to marry a man who “has no future”, because she is still mad at herself for marrying a man who later was a “dead beat dad.” (And THAT probably happened because she expected it!) Every time, without exception, the person who is busy criticizing others, is miserable inside…..and really needs to be set free from their self condemnation!

So…Forgive them all for having criticized you, because A) you agreed with them in their projections, or it wouldn’t have hurt your feelings! And, B) They are miserable inside, and really need to be loved!

Remember this; Nothing out there can stir you up, if there’s nothing inside of you to stir!

Now, go love yourself!

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