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Butterfly Wizard

A Happy Haunting Poem by Dr. Janeen J. Detrick. Happy Halloween! ​   Butterfly Wizard, stroke my wings,  that I may learn of wondrous things! Flying Here and landing free Becoming MORE …..Experiencing ME! Captive NOT! Except in time with perceptions of The Ego’s Rhyme… Then all at once…I think I see the wizard stroke has awakened me! Nothing holds me! Illusion dares to mascaraed as truth in fears! I but choose then fly away from the snare of death that wizards see as nothing…nothing…It’s not real! Truth transcends perception’s feel! […]

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The Meditation- Get comfortable, sit with a straight spine. Your back is not supported, at the edge of a chair not sitting back, not in bed, not lying down. Slow down breathing – slower and deeper through the nose. If it helps, count. Inhale 5 counts exhale 5 counts, inhale 6 – exhale 6, in 7 – ex 7, and go as far as it’s comfortable. If necessary take a regular breath but come back to the deep slow breathing. Heart centered focus – bring awareness to the heart and […]

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What the Unconscious Mind Shows You!

The contents of the unconscious mind are NEVER hidden! They are NO MYSTERY at all! The contents of your unconscious mind are showing themselves to you in each and every second of each and every day. Everything you see happening in your life is an OUT-PICTURING of what’s in your unconscious mind! WAKE UP, and NOTICE the junk in your life and you’ll then see what’s in your unconscious mind! To fully comprehend this, it is necessary that you understand the science of how our brains and our eyeballs make […]

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Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing; Another technique for releasing negative energy! By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick Many people have heard of the emotional freedom technique that is currently being popularized as “E.F. T.” It’s sometimes referred to as “the tapping cure”. While this is a great way to release negative energy (anger, stress, bad feelings), there is no one modality of energy medicine that works for everyone! The purpose of this blog is to describe another method for clearing blocked energy which manifests itself as negative feelings, called “Chakra Balancing”. In order to […]

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Staying In the Question: Everything is just an interesting point of view!

When you allow the Universe to spontaneously light the answer upon your mind, it eliminates expectations and attachment to outcome! It also eliminates your trying to figure it out; Let the Universe bring you the answer! You cease trying to figure out “how”. STAY IN THE QUESTION! Just keep asking more questions! Here are some examples: 1. How does it get any better than this? 2. How does more money flow to me? 3. What else is possible? 4. What am I unwilling to see? 5. What about this have […]

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Theta Yogic Breathing to Quiet the Mind

Theta Yogic Breathing! To stop the brain chatter! Theta yogic breathing just before bed. First, do a breathing test through each nostril individually, so you can discern which nostril is currently dominate. You will have to do this each time you begin a theta yogic breathing implementation, as the nostril which is dominate changes all the time. Hold your dominate hand so that it seems to have only three fingers ; The index finger and middle finger function as if they are one. The pinky finger and the ring finger […]

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The Six Attributes of How Love Acts

Part one Love is not an emotion! It becomes an emotion after it is applied as a verb. Think about it; All the great spiritual teachers have commanded us to LOVE (for our own good!) Can you command someone to have a feeling? Of course not! So, they were not commanding us to have a feeling; They were commanding us to “commit” an action, a verb. It may also be important to note that “commanding” us is just a way of strongly encouraging us to do something, because doing it […]

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The Five Love Languages

This synopsis is based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman, entitled The Five Love Languages, and also his book The Five Languages of Apology. When someone you love is trying to show you that they love you, but you can’t receive it in the way they are sending it, the relationship can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled, but doesn’t mean that they don’t love you, or that you don’t love them! It could just mean that you are speaking different “love languages”, and do not yet know this […]

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Sacred Geometry and Fractals

In nature, we find patterns that repeat themselves from the most minuscule particles, to expressions of life, and are also seen in the structure of the greater cosmos. Earlier today, I gazed upon a tree, and noticed that the pattern of the tree looks very much like the capillaries in our lungs! And isn’t it interesting to note that we can’t breathe without what these trees do for us? The shapes seen in the leaves are one example, of myriads of examples in nature, of “fractal geometry”. What does this […]

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Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.): The “Tapping Cure” for Negative Feelings

There are many methods for neutralizing the negativity that can build up inside ourselves. This one dissipates negative emotions that congeal at the neurovascular stress points along the various meridians. Don’t forget to breathe in between each! In through the nose, out through the mouth, between each set. 1. Karate Chop point across your palms. Switch hands; Do both hands. Say the whole phrase, “Even though I feel afraid to invest money in myself, I completely love, forgive, and accept myself.” OR whatever the problem is… “Even though I feel […]

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