Sacred Geometry and Fractals

In nature, we find patterns that repeat themselves from the most minuscule particles, to expressions of life, and are also seen in the structure of the greater cosmos.

Earlier today, I gazed upon a tree, and noticed that the pattern of the tree looks very much like the capillaries in our lungs! And isn’t it interesting to note that we can’t breathe without what these trees do for us? The shapes seen in the leaves are one example, of myriads of examples in nature, of “fractal geometry”.

What does this matter to your personal development? Well, when you see that in nature there is a perfect interconnectedness and repetitions of patterns and cycles, you will being to comprehend how we are all connected, and that….


What is a fractal?
A small part, which is identical to the greater whole.

Think about the shape of a snowflake. If you zoom in, and imagine looking at the tiniest particle of that snowflake, you will observe that that tiny particle looks exactly like the shape of the whole snowflake!

As above/ so below.

Even a tiny amoeba contains all of the intelligence that would recreate this universe exactly as it is now, given enough time!

Understanding how to apply this knowledge to our lives, can help alleviate the anxiety of worry, as we realize that this universe is perfectly ordered, and that the laws of the universe are built upon principles of order that will bring to us everything that the pure intelligence that you are designed you to be, do and have! You can relax into knowing that the divine order of things is in the process of bringing that which is fulfilling to your life to you!

How can I be so sure of that? Because that energy that we call “god” is the process of fulfilling itself! And


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