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The Nine Steps to Making Permanent Change

1) Positive Energy Awareness Exercise: Remember a time when you felt powerful and successful! Describe where in your body you felt that energy. Also describe if it has a color, if it moves, spins, is solid, translucent, if it is a wave or a ball or a square, how big it is; Notice the qualities of this energy, and where you feel it in your body. 2) Negative Energy Awareness Exercise: Now, contrast that energy with where and how you experience the energy of negative emotions; Where do you hold, […]

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Do You Know Your Customer?

Knowing something about your customer is just as important as knowing your product. On a national sports radio program recently, the two talk show hosts were discussing star quarterback Peyton Manning and the enormous impact he is having in his new football home, Denver. They mentioned that Manning had already learned the entire playbook, but even more interesting was the fact that he learned the names of the entire press group and knows as much as he could about them and their families. One show host opined how “brilliant” that […]

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Living the Universal Laws; Points to Ponder

There are only three Universal Laws, and this article is intended to assist you in living them! By Janeen J. Detrick These are important truths to comprehend: Numbers 1 through 3 are the three universal laws. The additional numbers are all just advice that assists you in LIVING the laws! For marketing purposes, some gurus call everything a law! But the truth is very simple, and the simpler it is, the closer to universal truth it is! 1. The Law of Attraction is that “like attracts like”. This means that […]

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Living in the Moment

John Sims, a Crown Diamond in Amway, taught, “What do you think about when you don’t have to think? If you can conquer that, then you will always be ‘in the moment’.” Thich Naht Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness, 1975 Story of Thich Naht Hanh and the doing of dishes. At first, he hated doing the dishes! After he learned to be present with the dishes, keeping his mind on them, observing them, and noticing the prisms they created on the walls, and the colors in their paint, he began […]

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Judgment Verses Discernment

The reason I decided to conduct a group call on this subject, is because I hear so many students express their confusion about how to “live the law of allowing”. They get confused about how they can make choices for their life, but also allow other people to be who THEY are. They have a tendency to equate “being allowing” with not “judging” others, so they end up feeling guilty when they even attempt to discern if they want a certain person in their life! They think they are required […]

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Transformational Questions About Money

These are all quotes by Gary Douglas, of So how many areas of your life are in a stuck place because you have come to a conclusion that money is the solution to the question you actually haven’t asked yet? What is interesting is that when we start to make choices in the direction of our desires, money seems to show up magically! Have you ever noticed that? It’s because we have shifted our energy into creating and generating what we desire, rather than waiting for money to show […]

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Begin With the End in Mind

I recently read from Steven R. Covey – The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. The one thought that stood out to me as something that can be applied to your coaching program is simply this: “Begin With The End In Mind.” So what does it mean exactly to Begin With The End In Mind? Simply put it means that if you intend to succeed in your coaching program or any other area of life, you absolutely without question need to KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO GET out of […]

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Karma is a thing

The following is a transcript of an inspiration received by Janeen J. Detrick, on Feb. 7, 2012. Karma is a thing. I cannot call it a “real” thing because real is only that which is eternal, and Karma does cease to be, therefore it is not actually “real”, because it is not eternal. Karma is created in the egoic mind field, and a person gets trapped in the egoic mind field until they transcend and release their Karma. Transcending and releasing their karma means they transcend the egoic mindfield, and […]

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A Course In Miracles

Synopsis of Lessons 1-10. By Janeen J. Detrick 1. My egoic mind projects meaning onto everything it sees. The pictures it sees, which are stored in the unconscious mind, have no meaning at all in and of themselves! But my past experiences cause me to add meaning to it, and I do this by using words to describe the pictures. Words and language that I have learned always color my interpretation of the meaning. 2. Because this meaning is always based on past experiences, they are never accurate! Because it […]

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How can I tell the difference between “Divine Inspiration” and “My Ego”??

Basically, the answer is so simple; SO simple! Ego is exterior motivation Edging God Out! INSPIRATION means “in” and “Spirit”. Spirit means breath. That which comes from within and gives you the breath of life! That is divine inspiration! If it depresses you, it didn’t come from God. If it makes you judge someone else as being “bad”, it doesn’t come from God, because God loves us all and sees everybody’s perspective! If it makes you feel fear, it didn’t come from God! Now, Please understand that when you first […]

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