Living the Universal Laws; Points to Ponder

There are only three Universal Laws, and this article is intended to assist you in living them!
By Janeen J. Detrick

These are important truths to comprehend: Numbers 1 through 3 are the three universal laws. The additional numbers are all just advice that assists you in LIVING the laws! For marketing purposes, some gurus call everything a law! But the truth is very simple, and the simpler it is, the closer to universal truth it is!

1. The Law of Attraction is that “like attracts like”. This means that anything that has come into your experience MUST, by Law, show you what energy is inside yourself! As you ponder what inside you brought it to you, you will eventually light upon the realization, and then you can set yourself free from ever having to go through that again!

2. The Law of Allowing has two parts, and says that everyone gets to create their life how they want it to be! (Which in no way means that everybody knows how to, but they create it by default anyway!) Therefore, since they get to create their life how they want it, the first part is that YOU have to allow them to, if you are going to receive the blessings that are always flowing! This also means, part two, that you have to allow yourself to experience the repercussions of anything you’ve attracted into your life. So, you have to allow others, and you have to allow yourself! As you do this, you’ve laid down the resistance to having these experiences, and when’s there’s no negative energy inside you, you can’t attract anything negative! It’s a miracle!

3. Law of the Moment: The Universe has only one timeframe; Right now! If you are sitting in this moment, but your brain is out there, thinking about something else you think you “ought” to be doing, or thinking about some bill or other that is due two weeks from now, then you are not IN THE MOMENT. Abundance is always flowing, however, you cannot receive it when you are someplace else other than present with THIS MOMENT! If your thoughts are not here, now, engaged in what you are doing now, then you do not get the benefits of aligning all the strings of energy in your cells, and shooting out all the string of energy into “the ethers”, having their help with 1) plowing down obstacles, and 2) attracting help! You rob yourself when you let your mind be on something other than what you are doing NOW!

3. Nothing “out there” can stir you up, if there’s nothing inside of you to stir. When you find yourself getting upset at things or people, it means that there is something of that energy inside you that has “hooked” you. Otherwise, their reactions to whatever you said or did would not upset you; You would notice their reactions, but it wouldn’t stir you up! If it does stir you up, ask yourself, “Why did that bother me?”

4. Whatever meaning you attach to any event or situation, that IS the energy inside of you that attracted it. So, ask yourself this question, “What do I think this means?” Your answer identifies the energy inside you that attracted it! For example, if a person loses their job, and then says, “It means that the economy is in the dumper!” Then THAT fact, that they believe the economy is in the dumper, IS the energy inside them that caused them to lose their job!

5. We only have two “jobs” to do in our lives: 1) Trust that abundance is always flowing 2) Take action in the moment on the promptings you receive. Nothing else is your job! So, you have bank overdraft fees? Oh, well! That is not your job to take care of! That is the Divine’s job! Think, “Well, it will be fun to watch what God does to take care of this!” Framing it in this way sets you free of the negative energy inside you about such things, and not having that negative energy inside you about such things, means that such things can never be attracted into your life again! Whew! Aren’t you glad that’s over?!

6. When you’ve learned the lesson, you won’t need the experience! If you keep attracting the same types of things into your life, it is because you havn’t learned the lesson yet, so that energy is still inside you.

7. You can have anything you want, as long as you don’t need it!

8. The Universe does not speak English, or any other language; The Universe speaks the language of vibration! Pay attention to how your feelings are vibrating, because you can think that you are thinking all the right thoughts, but if you are feeling desperate about it, you are vibrating LACK! You would then attract more LACK.

9. When you are living “in the moment”, it is impossible to feel overwhelmed! IN this moment, you only have ONE THING you “get” to do!

10. Recognize when what you are doing is not something that you value, but rather that you are doing only because the tribal energies in which you were raised or are being influenced cause you to think you have to do it. Then, forget about it and don’t do it anymore! You will free up your schedule a lot!

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