The Power of “WHY?”

“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it!”, Simon Sinek,

Draw a Circle. Write in that circle, “why”.
Now draw a bit larger circle around that one. Write inside that second circle, “how”. Now draw a third circle surrounding those two. Write in that largest circle, “what”. THIS IS CALLED THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, and we will see later in this article how it corresponds with the universal trilogies that govern EVERYTHING: Cosmology, Religious depictions of “God”, The Three Universal Laws, and even how our brains work! Some people live from the outside of this circle, in. They know WHAT they do. They know HOW they do it. But they don’t know WHY they are doing it. Companies can be this way, also.
If your company doesn’t tell everyone all the time, in your website copy, in your ads, in everything you say, WHY you are creating the products you create, then people can’t FEEL the heart that propels you, and your customers won’t be as drawn to your company, and may not be loyal!
Take for example, Tevo! Tevo was the first to create the technology that could pause your live T.V., skip commercials, rewind live T.V., and memorize your favorites, without you even asking. All of these things are really KEWL benefits of their products, and yet, Tevo is a COMMERCIAL FAILURE! After they went public, their stock just never took off much above $6.00 per share! When they advertised, they talked about WHAT their product does, and HOW it does it, but they never spoke to people’s hearts about WHY they want everyone to have this.

Contrast that with Apple Computers; They always tell their WHY; They start every ad with their WHY: “Everything we do challenges the status quo. We believe in thinking differently.” Then, they go on to tell how and what! And people who believe that way become LOYAL customers!

Why is it that some people and companies can accomplish that which eludes other people and companies?
Because they know WHY they are doing it, and they talk about it ALL the time!

Personally, our “why” will be what moves us forward to our fulfillment. It is our passion! Money is a great vehicle, but a lousy motivator! There has to be a reason why you want to do whatever you do. And if that “why” is obligation or desperation, that will never be fulfilling!

In order to find what your passion is, or passions are:
1. Write a list of everything you have enjoyed doing, or learning, or have thought that you MIGHT enjoy doing, or learning.(Try to get this list to at least 50, but 100 is better! The point is that you are really spending time with it!)
2. After you have written the above list, go back through it, asking yourself “On a scale of one to five, five being high and strongly positive, how much energy is within me on doing or learning this thing?” Assign each one a number.
3. Re-compile the list by numbers.
4. Start exploring the fives! Do an internet search of places to do or learn that. Join a group about that thing. See if there are websites about that thing that you can join and get newsletters about. Attend a local parks and recreation group about that thing. Go to a community college to learn that thing….Etc!
While you are exploring these fives, you will encounter problems that you can solve. Solving them can make you rich!

Interview to conduct with yourself to help you find their Mission: Janeen’s 2x2x2 system

Questions to ask to interview yourself, in order to “light upon” your personal mission: 2x2x2 system
1) What two things would you like to see happen, or be accomplished, in your lifetime upon planet earth, that you would like to participate in?
2) What two talents or abilities (or more!) do you possess that will help accomplish those?
3) What two things (or more!) would you like to do with your free time or money, just because it’s fun or fulfilling for you?

Discovering your “why” isn’t just a good idea: It directly correlates with how our brains function, AND, as we will see later in this article, with the laws that govern the universe and cosmology! The outside circle (your “what”) is the brain’s neo-cortex. That is the section of the brain that uses words, and logical thinking to ADD MEANING to that which your brain has collected as memories and experiences, which are contained in the Limbic system, comprised of the singlet jirus and the amygdale, which are the inner two circles (the “how” and the “why”). These sections of the brain do not think in terms of logic, language and words, but rather in PICTURES and SYMBOLS, and FEELINGS and EMOTIONS. So, when you are moved by your “why” (your reason, your purpose), then you have activated the emotion that is the power to attract people to both yourself, and to your business!

Now, I want you to see the correlations between this and the three universal laws we live by, all religion’s depictions of “God”, as well as with the trilogy of forces that quantum physics shows us as governing the cosmos.

The outside circle: The “WHAT”
Universal Law: The Law of Attraction
Biology: Neo Cortex of the brain
Religions of the ancient world: The Destroyer Energy
Modern Religions: The Holy Ghost (“Holy Spirit”)
Cosmology: The Electroweak Force

The middle circle: The “How”
Universal Law: Law of Allowing
Biology: The Singlet Jirus of the Limbic System of the brain
Religions of the ancient world: The Maintainer Energy
Modern Religions: The Son of God, or “messiah”, who reminds us who we are.
Cosmology: Gravity

The inner circle: The “Why”
Universal Law: The Law of The Moment (Your point of power!)
Biology: The Amygdale of the brain
Religions of the ancient world: The Creator Energy
Modern Religions: God the Father
Cosmology: The Strong Force

So, you see………When you discover your “WHY”, you are functioning in your creative life force energy, using your emotional centers to feel it as if it’s already happened, and being the god of your own life in a very strong way, in each moment!

By Janeen J. Detrick

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