Uncovering New Potentials

There are three primary indicators of our soul’s purpose:

1. What obstacles have you repeatedly faced? There’s a lesson in there that your soul intended to learn! Which means, of course, that you didn’t previously know how to do it more effectively! You know where self sabotage comes from? It comes from the fact that you haven’t learned that thing yet, but WANT TO! So, there’s a script in your head that says, “I never do that right”, because that is why you’re here! 2. What are you so good at, that you think “it’s nothing!” Your natural talents are an indication of what you came here to accomplish. 3. What do you enjoy doing or learning? They indicate why you came here!

Ask your self these questions:

1. What have I desired to accomplish, but was afraid to try?
Start looking into how to learn it!

2. What skills do I believe stand in the way of trying that, or achieving my goals?
For both 1 and 2, you may be able to get support for learning it at www.meetup.com. This also causes you to meet people who can help elevate you, through association!

Another way that may help you discover untapped talent, is for you to ask your friends what they think you’re good at, or what your natural talents might be.

3. Do an internet search for “activities lists”, or “hobbies list” to get your creative juices flowing! Write a list of everything you have ever enjoyed doing, or learning, OR thought you might enjoy learning or doing. Hit at least 50!

4. Now, go back to the top of the list, and ask yourself, “How much do I want to learn or do this?” Assign each one a number between 1 and 5, five being a really strong desire for that item.

5. Start investigating those things that are “fives”! Browse through other people’s websites. Look for a meet-up group. See if your town has a class at the local community college. Sign up for free newsletters on the websites you find about “that”, whatever it is. Investing the fives!

Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation is the drive to do it. And attitude determines how skilled you become at doing it! Remember that inspiration will come after you’ve gotten in touch with yourself, and after you’ve taken the first action step!
Investigating these “fives” shows the universe that you are willing to take action and gets you moving in a fulfilling direction!

Talent is not necessarily ability. Talent is ability PLUS action! Be willing to be bad at it at first! To develop the skill, observe how your interest will move through these four stages of learning:
1. Curiosity
2. Interest
3. Fascination
4. Commitment

Assignments by Coach Janeen J. Detrick

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