
Ideas for leveraging and expanding your network!

For each facet of your life, (family, significant other, economic concerns, material needs, leisure activities, friendships, spiritual pursuits, civic participation, physical health, education/personal) ask yourself these five questions: 1. What are the roadblocks to accomplishing my goals in this facet? 2. To what three people do I turn for advice or help in this facet of my life? List their names. 3. How are they nurturing, positive and supportive of me in this facet? 4. Whom do I know of (even if not closely) that inspires me by their success […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-25-13

Questions discussed on this call: How can I grow happiness? How do I restore trust with my spouse? (Infidelity issue) What are the fundamental steps to take to market information? Is there a formula to follow and what technical resources would you recommend? What would need to happen for someone without a recognized name or credentials to break into and stand out in the personal development industry? I’m 22 yrs old living in Flagstaff, AZ. I want to build a healing center with an emphasis on subconscious conditioning. I’ve started […]

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Take it Easy

There’s a book out there called “Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle” by Stuart Wilde. The title pretty much says it all, yes? You sure wouldn’t know it by the way people work and live, though, would you? The fact is most people suffer through their work if not their lives. They do what they do because they believe they have to, because they think they should, or because they’re good at it—even in the face of personal unhappiness or financial struggle. In the past, the type of […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Read the Signs 2-19-2013

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Both our strengths and our “weaknesses” show us where our potentials are! So often, we fear looking at what we perceive to be our weaknesses, because we think having weaknesses is “bad”! Can you hear the judgment in that? A weakness simply shows us the next skill, or lesson, we need to learn as we climb up the ladder of success! It isn’t “bad”….it’s just a lesson! Questions to ask yourself to uncover new areas of potential are: 1. What do I think is the problem? Define the problem. (“I […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – New Potential 2-12-2013

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Conquer Yourself!

1. You must first set the intention, THEN surrender it! If you surrender first, you won’t create anything! 2. You are always making choices of which voice you will listen to; the ego, or your inner divine. Choose not to listen to the voice of the little scardy-cat ego, and choose to listen to your inner divine! 3. …Because…after all, you are not those thoughts! Most people think that if they have a negative thought, they must not be fixed yet! But the thoughts will always be there; They won’t […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Conquer Yourself 2-5-2013

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Positive thinking has no negatives

One of life’s great annoyances is the tendency of folks who ask you to perform an impossible task, list the issues they foresee and the problems that have plagued previous attempts – and then admonish you to “think positive.” Wow! Does that mean you are so good that you can achieve what no one else has? Or are you being set up to fail? Because I am an eternal optimist, I prefer to believe the first premise. Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we […]

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Overcoming Everything!

Overcoming Everything! The key to overcoming everything is to TRANSCEND THE EGO, realizing that IT is NOT YOU! The key to overcoming EVERYTHING is to realize that you are here for your OWN EXPANSION (growth!); You are not here to please other people! To OVERCOME EVERYTHING, we must focus on what WE WANT, not what others have tried to get us to become, or to DO, out of some kind of obligation. This is not a narcissistic, rebellious endeavor. Rather, when we become the best we can be, rather than […]

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