Conquer Yourself!

1. You must first set the intention, THEN surrender it! If you surrender first, you won’t create anything!

2. You are always making choices of which voice you will listen to; the ego, or your inner divine. Choose not to listen to the voice of the little scardy-cat ego, and choose to listen to your inner divine!

3. …Because…after all, you are not those thoughts! Most people think that if they have a negative thought, they must not be fixed yet! But the thoughts will always be there; They won’t go away, because they are not inside YOUR head; They are in the field all around us, and that mindfield is a collective consciousness, comprised of everybody’s thoughts, EVER. You will just become so adept at not giving them any credence that they hold no charge for you! But if you don’t practice NOT giving them any credence, then you can’t ever get good at it! Consider this Buddha quote; ” Imagine my surprise when, entranced in bliss, I noticed negative thoughts. I could have selected them, but chose not to.”

4. The God energy creates; That’s what God energy does! So, quit nursing the ego’s excuses, and start taking the action steps to do what you enjoy doing! Not the things you think you “need” to do, because obligation is of the ego. Do the things you CHOOOOOOOOSE to do! And if you don’t know what that is, think of something you might enjoy, and get to it! Take at least one action step per day….but MORE IS BETTER!

5. Realize that the God energy uses “both/and” thinking, not either/or thinking. When you are confronted with choices, and you like both….DO BOTH! Now, I know there are programs that teach you to FOCUS ON ONE…..BALDERDASH! You can do all of them as long as you only do one at a time, with full engagement, IN EACH MOMENT! Otherwise, all those rich people wouldn’t have so many different businesses!

Now…Get over the voice of that dumb little ego, and get to it!

Lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove….Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

One Response to Conquer Yourself!

  1. Andrew Walker March 6, 2013 at 9:01 pm #

    Wow, that was powerful. I needed to see that. I especially like the idea of setting intentions and then surrendering to it. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it stated that way before. From now on, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Thanks a bunch for sharing!!

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