
Protected: PD Grad Call – Overcome Everything 1-29-2013

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Skills 1-22-2013

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Protected: PD Grad Call – The You You Never Knew 1-15-2013

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Say No, and Be Free!

I could simply say, “Start saying ‘No.” when from your heart, you really don’t want to do what you are being asked to do.’” However, I will expound a bit! When you say “Yes”, when your heart feels “No”, you are actually disrespecting your own internal guidance system, and that is NOT LOVE. It isn’t loving to the other person, either, because perhaps the reason they attracted YOU into their life is that they needed to learn to say, “no.”, and it is perhaps your job to teach them that […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Say No and Be Free 1-8-2013

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your External Facets 12-18-2012

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Your Internal Facets

Know Thyself!! 1. Have you done the assignment yet of doing the internet research to pull a list of feeling words? If you can’t describe how you feel, how can you communicate YOUR FEELINGS? 2. Understand the shift in the earth’s energies that happens with Dec. 21, 2012: You Tube Video: 2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films® 3. Book by David Horsager, The Trust Edge. 4. Notice when you get triggerd! “What within me made me afraid and caused to me get triggered by that?”

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Internal Facets 12-11-2012

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Time Management

Step One: Be fully present in the moment! Step Two: Keep your planner, whether electronic or a hand held “hard copy”, near you at all times! Write the redundant things in there at the beginning of the year. Step Three: Buy a spiral notebook, and on the front cover write: The Six Most Important Things to Do List”. Keep this with you at all times! Only those things which move your mission forward belong on this list! Step Four: Flip the notebook over, vertically, and write “Little Rocks List”, or, […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Time is Your Own 12-4-2012

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