Both our strengths and our “weaknesses” show us where our potentials are!
So often, we fear looking at what we perceive to be our weaknesses, because we think having weaknesses is “bad”! Can you hear the judgment in that? A weakness simply shows us the next skill, or lesson, we need to learn as we climb up the ladder of success! It isn’t “bad”….it’s just a lesson!

Questions to ask yourself to uncover new areas of potential are:

1. What do I think is the problem? Define the problem. (“I don’t know how to do internet marketing”.) Write down the top five “problems”, or “challenges”, as you currently see them.
2. Re-write the problem as an intention, with a deadline for overcoming it! You can’t create if you don’t set intentions! “On or before _____ date____ I intend to ____________.” (“Learn the first step in internet marketing.”, for example)
3. Write down five different circumstances wherein this would NOT be a “problem”, or a challenge.
4. What aspects of this perceived problem do I have the power to change?
5. What traditional solutions have worked for others?
6. How can an old “solution: which did NOT work for me in the past be changed so that it might work now?

Finding new potentials within yourself can sometimes be a function of gaining additional self-awareness, and one tool for that could be taking personality typing tests, to assist you in gaining new insights about yourself. is a test based on the Myers/Brigs assessment, used in most major universities. Tony Alessandra’s system. is simple, and very helpful in identifying people’s PRIMARY motivations. will show you how you like to give and receive messages of love.

Now, go do it!
Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

One Response to Discovering NEW POTENTIALS!

  1. Addie Cleveland February 15, 2013 at 1:42 pm #

    I know that internet marketing is a very troubling area for me;there-fore I am reading and studying
    the hypnotic marketing ,also I intend to have a website up and running on or before March 13,2013 which is my birthday.

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