Living in the moment

By Janeen J. Detrick

John Sims, a Crown Diamond in Amway, taught, “What do you think about when you don’t have to think? If you can conquer that, then you will always be ‘in the moment’.”

Thich Naht Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness, 1975
Story of Thich Naht Hanh and the doing of dishes. At first, he hated doing the dishes! After he learned to be present with the dishes, keeping his mind on them, observing them, and noticing the prisms they created on the walls, and the colors in their paint, he began receiving energy FROM the dishes, and it became a very “alive” activity! The secret is not thinking that you should be doing something else instead!
Walking meditation; noticing what is around you and offering it appreciation.
Eating mindfully; this raises the vibration of your cells, so that your body receives the nourishment in a beneficial, balanced way!

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now, 1999
Offering NO resistance is to live in a state of grace. Surrender to having the experiences you are having NOW! That peace causes you to never be able to attract that experience again (unless it’s good!)!
Grace flows through the parents; the relationship with your mother manifests in your immune system. The relationship with your father manifests in your finances; Love them, and build a bridge to them, if you had previously held animosity toward them.
Don’t look for any other state than the one you are in now.

Steve Gardner teaches, “You know what I wish I were doing right now? I wish I were______________ , and state whatever you are doing NOW!” “I wish I were doing what I am doing right now!

To get back in the moment, when you notice that you’ve gotten out of the moment, do a gratitude moment anchoring meditation.
Touch something tangible in your immediate surroundings, and offer appreciation for it! Keep doing it until your vibration raises!

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