What do I do when I have a “bad” feeling??

By Janeen Joy Detrick

1. First, realize that feelings are not facts.
2. Anchor yourself to the moment! So often we have out of the moment thinking, and that is where the negative
3. Recognize that if it makes you feel bad, it can’t possibly actually be based on a correct perception! The divine truth will always make you feel uplifted and energized! If it makes you feel bad, it is not divine truth!
4. Ask yourself, is this A) chronic or B) fleeting.

B) When they are fleeting, sending them love raises my vibration! When I send them love. It helps them, and it raises my vibration so I can’t pick up on that thought any more!
You can also use any number of other techniques, including:
1. Theta Yogic Breathing
2. “Cancel, clear, delete”, while tapping on your third eye.
3. Ho-O-Ponopono (if you don’t know what this is; Google it! It’s amazing!)
4. Welcome the feeling; Don’t resist feeling it! Welcome it!
5. Dive into it! This dissolves it if it is negative! It doubles it when it’s positive.
6. Mentally try to magnify the negative feeling, so you can feel it more! This will “X” it out, neutralizing it altogether! This works with physical pain, too! Try to feel it more!
7. Give yourself permission to feel it; Let go of trying not to feel it. Whatever you resists, persists!
8. Hug yourself and say, “I love you”, to yourself! Also say it to the feeling.
9. Imagine it floating down the river! This visualization technique will allow you to “drop” the feeling into the river.
10. “Drop” the feeling! Like you’re dropping a pen from your hand; Just DROP it!
11. Do conscious comparisons; When I feel this feeling, do I feel free or bound? Love or hate? Analyze the feeling and try to describe it even more fully to yourself.
12. Be as The Sky! The clouds do not have an agenda! They allow whatever happens: They collect rain, they drop rain; They float! Imagine yourself being like the clouds, and allow, rather than resist, then “watch” the feeling float away!
13. E.F.T. The Tapping Cure. (google it!)
14. Script it out the way you want it to go, or wish it had gone. (Re-create the memory in a way that serves you!)
15. Radical Reframing Visualizations
16. Neuro-linguistic Programming
17. Chakra Balancing and Aura Cleansing (www.eclecticenergies.com is one website I like)
18. Deep, conscious Breathing (Theta Yogic Breathing is one of many!)
19. Write Process Terminology Affirmations
20. Use Energy Medicine techniques

A. If it’s chronic, the method for dealing with it needs to be a bit different than if it’s fleeting.

Allow yourself to have the experience of feeling this! That way, the energy of it can be completely released from your cells, and it will be gone, and you will be free! Resisting having the experience is what traps that energy inside us.
Buddhism teaches, “Any feeling fully felt, transforms into bliss!”

Feel the feeling:
1. Get alone
2. Divinity within me, I’m going to allow to feel this feeling, with the understanding that you will give me new insights and epiphanies that set me free and that will enable me to release this energy, so it becomes bliss.
3. Full feel with no resistance.
4. Don’t try to make the epiphanies come; they just will!
5. As the “Ah Ha’s” come, then the kundalini energy will arise, and that previously negative energy will TRANSFORM INTO BLISS!

It takes less time than you think, but you must get alone and allow yourself time to FEEL whatever it is!

Then, just like Buddhism teaches, “Any feeling fully felt, transforms into bliss!”
It is true!
You came here (to this life experience) to transform the negative energy that used to reside in your spirit. The only way out o fit IS THROUGH IT, and THIS technique of fully feeling it, alone, is how you do that! Our SOUL does want to have these experiences, so we can transcend to the next level of eternal progression! Maybe your consciousness didn’t think you wanted this experience, but your SOUL does want it, so you can transcend it!

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