by Janeen J. Detrick

The synergy between people who are all seeking to become the best they can be is very helpful to the student of personal development. When we have likeminded friends with whom we can share ideas and receive emotional support from, our energy level stays healthy regarding our ideas, and we are more likely to attain our goals. Perhaps you have considered that it would be beneficial for you to have such a support network of “awakened” friends, but where do you find them? As you progress in utilizing The Law of Attraction to your benefit, they WILL naturally be drawn into your life! In addition to that, I have compiled a list of ideas here for you that, when implemented, will assist you in finding just such a support network.

Internet Searches:
1. Do an internet search looking for “Law of Attraction.” Then, log into every website you find and register to receive their free e-newsletter. You may want to create a specific e-mail account just for receiving these e-newsletters, so you can keep the barrage of e-mails separate from your regular e-mail account. Regardless of whatever else you may find through the site, they will likely send you invitations to attend free workshops and so forth. At these workshops, take many of your business cards and prepare to collect many from the people you meet, as well. Friendships will happen!

2. Do an internet search looking for “Stores that sell Crystals and healing gems.” Look at the posters on the wall, or place a poster on the wall yourself. Your poster could advertise “LAW OF ATTRACTION SUPPORT GROUP FORMING!” Be sure they have little tabs people can tear off that have your e-mail address on them. Of course, you’ll have to ask the store’s permission to do this.

3. Do an internet search looking for “Yoga Classes.” Attend them! Frequently, awakening” individuals can be found at yoga classes.

Universities are great resources!

4. You could attend a class yourself on any subject that interests you. I have found that “awakening” individuals are frequently found in Humanities Classes.

5. Join a Club: The Archeology Club, the Symphony Guild, etc. People who join theses types of clubs are usually people who own their own business or are otherwise successful, and therefore have time for the activities of the club.

6. Advertise the formation of a “Personal Development” book club. Be sure you have tabs that people can tear off that have your e-mail address.

7. Place ads in the University News section advertising the formation of a “Law of Attraction” Chamber of Commerce.

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