What Have You Been Dismissing?

By Janeen J. Detrick

Have you heard the story about the man who’s boat capsized and as he hung on he cried out to God, “Save me!”. So God sent a fisherman by, and the man refused to go with him because, he told the fisherman, “I’m waiting for God to save me.” Then, God sent a jet ski rider by, and the man refused to ride in to shore on the jet ski, because, he told the jet ski driver, “God wouldn’t send a jet ski, because He never has before!” Then, God sent a teen on an inner tube, and the man refused to ride to shore in the inner tube, because, he told the teen, “I’m waiting for God to save me! God wouldn’t send an inner tube, because it’s so undignified!” The teen said, “I read about the great fish who swallowed Jonah, and I conclude that will be how God Saves you; You’re too dumb for any better way!”

Obviously, this parable is intended to point out that preconceived ideas can block us of the ability to recognize our “salvation” when it comes our way!

Preconceived ideas – let’s ponder that. If we are forming ideas in our minds about a concept before we have even tried it or given it a chance, doesn’t that indicate that we are NOT LIVING IN THE MOMENT? Upon what is our pre-conceived idea, or bias, based, but our past experiences or knowledge or beliefs? And if it’s based on something that happened in the PAST, that isn’t living in the MOMENT is it? The universe only has one time frame: NOW. It only can offer to you opportunities that can work NOW. So, even if it didn’t work in the past, since the universe gave you that opportunity NOW, doesn’t that indicate that the universe believes that it WILL work NOW?

Every student of personal development has goals and hopes and dreams. Every one of us desire to accomplish or become MORE than we’ve currently accomplished or have become. In that quest, we’ve asked the Divine, or Source Energy, or God (whatever you call your higher power), to “help us” accomplish our goals, through inspiration and enlightenment of that which we would do. A major obstacle to our recognition of the Divine’s answer to our prayers is having preconceived ideas of how It should answer our prayers. It’s as if we won’t really let the Divine inspire us; we want to dictate policy to the Divine, based on what we have knowledge of and think might work, OR NOT!

Now, this isn’t usually CONSCIOUS; it’s sub-conscious. It manifests itself as DISMISSING IDEAS THAT COME OUR WAY.

Dr. Richard Gillett taught, “Disapproval is, surprisingly, the most reliable indication of a hidden belief system. Quite often, the only way disguised beliefs show themselves is through moments of emotional judgment or disapproval.”

Ponder that – judgment or disapproval. Have opportunities presented themselves to you, through friends or ads or emails, and you immediately allowed yourself to shrug with disgust, and delete the email, or the ad, knowing nothing at all about it, except what you THINK? Why do you think you know enough about the opportunity to make an assessment about it before you even look at it? When those moments occur in your life, ask yourself if you’re basing your assessment on a past failure or limiting belief. As you clear yourself of that negative energy on those subjects, you will find that the universe is sending you a multiplicity of answers to your prayers, any of which could make you rich and take you to the next level of your growth and potential!

Let me give you an example from my own life: I’ve built successful real estate brokerages in the past, and, upon arriving in a new state, thought, “It won’t work here. I won’t be able to break through the “Good Ol’ Boy” brigade here!” Without having any experiences here at all, except what other people have SAID to me, I completely discredited the idea of even trying. Silly me! Eventually I recognized my error, and now am building.

I’ll give you an example of a synergistic experience that transpired TODAY, as a result of NOT dismissing an opportunity that came my way last week. I had no idea how to build a business for referring lenders to appraisers, but the new mortgage regulations cleared the way for my new business. I took initial steps to start the business, and have secured the loyalty of a few banks. After a week, I relaxed about moving it forward, because I didn’t know what the content of a website for such a business should be, and I believed the next step should be building a website. I was awaiting further enlightenment from the universe about how to proceed. Today, a man telephoned me about a DIFFERENT business I’m in, and during our conversation he mentioned that he had just built a website for referring appraisers to lenders. HE was my solution! He had just done it for a business in a different state, and now he could do it for me. Isn’t life grand!

Had I dismissed the idea because I didn’t know EVERYTHING about the business, that solution could have never presented itself to me.

So…..What have you been dismissing? Dismissing sounds like, “I couldn’t do that; I’m too old.” Or, “That wouldn’t work; People are sick of those kinds of businesses!” Or, “It didn’t work last time!” Holding onto this negative energy can only have negative results. Let go of whatever causes you to dismiss the ideas the universe sends your way, and open your mind to any and all possibilities.

Blessings are forthcoming!



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