Seven ways to attract money!

1) This will raise your feeling of abundance: Play the “fake check book” game! Make photocopies of your checks, cut them out so they look real. Use an empty check book register, and write in an entry of a beginning balance, that is marvelously LAAARGE to you! Then, every couple of days, go shopping(in your imagination!) for something fantastic that you want! The first day I played this game, I “bought” a hot tub, and grand piano, an enormous Thomas Kincaid painting, all new kitchen appliances (WOLFF BRAND!), and a brand new Ferrari!! It was SO FUN! Hand write out those checks, so you get the FEELING of it, and you can SEE it on the paper. You may even want to do an internet search, or look at newspaper ads, to discover how much money that stuff would cost! Keep your running balance, so you can see all those digits! Then, on each Friday, make a “deposit”. To determine how much your deposit “should” be, I add up all the dates in that calendar week, and add three zeros (Or only two, if that is closer to your level of belief)! For example, this week, the first week of March, the numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,6. So the total is 21; add three zeros, and get “paid” $21,000 in one week! Imagine how large your deposits will be by the end of the calendar month!

2.) This one will likely require you to get outside your comfort zone, and inside your “courage” zone: Ask someone in your local community, who is successful, to mentor you! Believe it or not, rich people are nice! That’s why people like doing business with them! If you offer to do “lacky” work for them if they will allow you to hang out with them, learning to do what they do, and learning how they think, they will VERY LIKELY say, “Yes”! Remember the dichotomy of human nature: People like showing off how great they are, and also they like helping other people! It makes them feel good both ways! They will feel flattered that you noticed that they are successful! Why am I telling you to do this? YOU WILL MEET PEOPLE WHO ARE SUCCESSFUL, and that will take you places!
It’s hangin’ out with eagles!

3.) Leave a one dollar bill somewhere, once per week, that someone will just “find” it, as if to stumble across it! You will bless someone else, and you get the joy of imagining the scenario when they found it! Imagine who….how they reacted…what they felt inside….how badly they needed it….what they used it toward, etc.
It just makes you feel successful!

4.) This one is absolutely critical to your success: LAY DOWN YOUR RESISTANCE, your fear, of being broke or unsuccessful! Think to yourself, “It doesn’t really matter if this doesn’t work out like I hope: If not this, something else will work!” When you lay down negative energy, then you can’t create any negative scenarios in your life again, because there is no negative energy inside you to attract it! Resistance is PUSHING AGAINST something….NOT wanting to experience this….and THAT is negative energy inside you, so it insures that you WILL attract it again! LAY IT DOWN! Bless it instead of pushing against it! It is amazing how fast this changes everything in your life!

5.) Think about what you LOVE DOING, and then find in that industry, a problem you can solve. Solving problems within an industry that you enjoy, is the fastest, most enjoyable way to GET RICH! For example, if you love to ride horses, but don’t own one, is there a place near you where people can “rent a ride”??? How about starting a horse ride taxi service! Something like that, to fill the need. You’ll enjoy it, AND you’ll make MOOO LAAH!

6.) Catch other people doing something RIGHT, and tell them you appreciate that quality within them! Is a co-worker on time every day? TELL THEM you appreciate it! Does someone always lateral park at your building, so there’s room for your bike? Tell them! Don’t say a mere, “Thank you”, as if to be polite; Tell them you appreciate that about them! This mindset will DRAW successful, positive people into your experience, and THAT can make you rich! It also causes you to focus on good things! Do this at least once every day.

7.) Lay down your need to know HOW you will get rich, and just FEEL RICH! The details are actually NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! THAT is the work of the Universe; Yours is only to FEEL RICH…Then do whatever you are prompted to do!

By Janeen J. Detrick

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