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Protected: Graduate Call 6-24-14: Steps to Live on a Higher Level

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Graduate Call Notes 6-24-14: Steps to Live on a Higher Level

Today for our Graduate Call we had many people on the call that allowed very unique questions and comments. This allowed all on the call to benefit from more personal insight. We discussed several steps we can take to keep ourselves more open to listening to our Spiritual Side and being more open to inspiration and enlightenment. Steps to Live on a Higher Level: Treat others, as you would like to be treated. Do things that are for your highest good. Take actions that are good for you and also […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-17-14: Higher Perspective

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Graduate Call Notes 6-17-14: Higher Perspective

Today we discussed the importance of being open to listen more to our Spiritual side than from our Physical or mind’s side. We focused on the significance of being ready for insight from a higher source. When we are looking to be more in tune with Higher Power or God we can perform a particular exercise. This can allow us to gain more insight and/or it can assist us in refining a true desire of our heart. This exercise is what I call Inspiration Writing and it can relay to […]

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Graduate Call Notes 6-10-14: 3 Ways to Attract Desires & Spirit Writing

The 3 ways to Attract your Desires: Many business minded individuals that are not familiar with the Law of Attraction, or the other laws that are tied to it, work in a particular manner to reach their desires or goals. They normally use the 1st way to attract their desires. Specific, Body, or Physical Way: One would define a specific large goal, and then analyze in their mind which sub goals need to be achieved as well to reach that large goal. They in turn will place exact dates to […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-10-14: 3 Ways to Attract Desires & Spirit Writing

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-3-14: Chemicalization

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Graduate Call Notes 6-3-14: Chemicalization

Today for our Graduate Call we discussed the importance of realizing that as we learn new positive tools to use in our lives that we can possibly take on some new turmoil. We are use to working with the old negative habits and as we introduce the new positive ways it can create some havoc in our lives. We could call this Chemicalization. When we recognize this as such we can actually welcome the turmoil as a sign of better things to come. Below is more of the details of […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 5-27-14: Step 5 of the Law of Attraction

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Graduate Call Notes 5-20-14: Step 4 of the Law of Attraction

Visualizing outcomes with feeling – Nevillizing – Coined by Joe Vitale – Neville Goddard, Author and teacher Importance of visualization – Be clear and detailed – Use bright color – Use large images – Visualize for 3 to 5 minutes – Visualize BEYOND the goal!!! *Life “as a result of” *As though you are living it *As though you already have it Importance of emotion – Emotion stimulates the subconscious mind – Emotion is energy – Positive emotion attracts positive results *Excitement + Gratitude Create emotion first!!! – Recall an […]

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