Graduate Call Notes 6-3-14: Chemicalization

Today for our Graduate Call we discussed the importance of realizing that as we learn new positive tools to use in our lives that we can possibly take on some new turmoil. We are use to working with the old negative habits and as we introduce the new positive ways it can create some havoc in our lives. We could call this Chemicalization. When we recognize this as such we can actually welcome the turmoil as a sign of better things to come.

Below is more of the details of this law:

The healing law of Chemicalization:

You’ve heard it said that things have to get worse sometimes before they can get better. The getting worse process is actually a part of the improvement process, and what seems failure is actually success being born in the situation. That’s Chemicalization!


A doctor once explained this healing law to his patients. He would point out to them that after beginning treatment, they would probably feel worse before they felt permanently better: that such an experience was nothing to fear; that they could actually rejoice if they did begin to feel worse, because they could then know it was a sign of healing taking place.

This is often what happens in the minds and bodies of people when they begin to deliberately practice the dynamics of their tools. A chemical change literally takes place in their thoughts and feelings, which is then reflected in their bodies and affairs.

They may feel nervous, frightened, agitated. If they have ever been sick, their old diseases may flare up again.

What has happened?

Simply this: These people, for years have molded these negative notions into their bodies and affairs. Now they have begun to do an about-face, thinking in terms of love, praise, forgiveness, and release. Such a reverse is a big dose for their system to take, and so there is a clash between their old negative ways and their new positive ways. This sets up a chemical reaction in mind, body and affairs.

At such times the good thing to remember is that one positive thought is more powerful than a thousand, rowdy negative thoughts; the old way is on its way out, no matter how much noise it makes in the process. It has to go! But having been in control for so long, it doesn’t give up without a fight, even while it is actually unconditionally surrendering and will soon be gone completely. Meanwhile, there seems to be a lot of excitement as it takes its last stand.

Chemicalization sounds like a negative process, but is actually a very positive and natural one. Though it is uncomfortable, it is worth going through, because it is a sign that cleansing is taking place. Something higher and better always results from this experience.

When these periods come, remind yourself, “THIS IS NOTHING TO FEAR, THIS IN NOT BAD, THERE IS ONLY GOOD AT WORK IN THIS EXPERIENCE. HEALING IS NOW TAKING PLACE IN MY WORLD. I REST, RELAX, AND LET IT BE.” As you non-resistantly meet chemicalization in this way, very soon brighter conditions will appear.

Be mindful and enjoy the positive changes to come.

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