Graduate Call Notes 6-17-14: Higher Perspective

Today we discussed the importance of being open to listen more to our Spiritual side than from our Physical or mind’s side. We focused on the significance of being ready for insight from a higher source. When we are looking to be more in tune with Higher Power or God we can perform a particular exercise. This can allow us to gain more insight and/or it can assist us in refining a true desire of our heart. This exercise is what I call Inspiration Writing and it can relay to us insight and a better connection to our spiritual side.

You could start with doing some slow breathing by audibly hearing yourself breath in for 7 seconds. Hold that breath for 3-4 seconds, and then audibly hear yourself breath out that breath slowly for 7 seconds. While doing this imagine that this is a gift from God or Higher Power and visualize white breath entering and going down your throat filling up your chest cavity. Then when exhaling imagine darker colored, stale breath being released. Do this 3 times or more to get in the right mental state. Then you can proceed to the main steps.

Inspiration Writing:

  1. Recognition of a higher source. The question to use is “God is . . . or Higher Power is . . .” You now will write the answer that comes to you regarding this question. Write down who you feel that source is and how you are connected to that source. You could also write down how important it is to connect regularly to that source that is Eternal and has the best insight for you.
  2. Recognition of Self. The question is “I Am . . .” You will now write who you are. Maybe you will write more on how you are connection to God or Higher Power. Maybe you recognize how important you are in the sight of God or Higher Power and that you have that higher support to allow you to achieve more.
  3. Make your Claim. You will now boldly claim your intention or what you desire. The Statement could start out: “I boldly claim . . .” This statement can reflect what you feel in your heart of what you are focused on to achieve in the near distant future. This could be you are claiming more abundance or money coming into your life. This could be you claim to have a better relationship with your spouse or other family members. This could be that you will receive a new love relationship in your life. There are a myriad of ideas that you can be inspired to write down. But, you are focusing on what comes to your thoughts right now.
  4. Gratitude and Acceptance of that which you have claimed. This could be a simple statement that you gladly accept and receive what you have claimed in the previous step. You could write more but it is acknowledging to God or Higher Power of your acceptance and gratitude for receiving the upcoming claim.
  5. Letting Go or releasing the claim or intention. This could simply be writing that I hereby release this request for inspiration writing to God, Higher Power, Angels, Master, etc. to be fulfilled. And so it is. We also want to end by writing Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. There is power in the number 3 so it is good to state that thanks or gratitude 3 times.

This ends the steps to Inspiration Writing. Use this as a tool to be more in tune to pull out of you what is most important to you right now and to fine tune each of your divine desires that you claim to come to you in the future.

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