Graduate Call Notes 6-10-14: 3 Ways to Attract Desires & Spirit Writing

The 3 ways to Attract your Desires:

Many business minded individuals that are not familiar with the Law of Attraction, or the other laws that are tied to it, work in a particular manner to reach their desires or goals. They normally use the 1st way to attract their desires.

Specific, Body, or Physical Way:

One would define a specific large goal, and then analyze in their mind which sub goals need to be achieved as well to reach that large goal. They in turn will place exact dates to reach those sub goals and then their large final goal. They are determined that whatever obstacles will come that they will reach those goals. higher power or God can allow these goals to be achieved through the law of attraction because their faith is so strong that they will achieve those goals or desires.

A majority of personal development individuals might use the following 2nd way to attract their desires.

Soul or General Way:

One would write out their true desire list of what they want to attract. They would be in tune with their heart or spirit to determine these. Then one would visualize or Nevillize as Joe Vitale states to the point where their sub-conscious mind allows them to feel the feeling of already receiving the desire they are focusing on. We know that higher power or God will provide opportunities in our life to learn from and those same opportunities allow us to eventually receive our desires. But, we need to Let Go of a few things and allow higher power or God to be in charge of how the opportunities will lead us to our desires. We also can state the desire we are focusing on and also say “or what is best for me.” This way we are open to receiving our exact desire or what is best for us to receive. Finally, we can also be open to when it is best for us to receive that desire. It is easy to analyze in our mind and put out a negative feeling of “I need it now” but that only pushes away the desire. We need to make a shift in our mind to have gratitude for what we have now but feeling good that the desire is coming to us when it is best for us to receive it. True Letting Go then is letting go of the how, what, and when we will receive it.

True Spirit or Open Way:

At some point one might also realize that all experiences in our lives are for our good. We not only can attract the great desires of our heart but we will continue to have trials to learn from. Life can not just be about only perfect, beautiful experiences but it will include trials for us to learn from. When trials come, let us focus on what are the good lessons we are in need of in learning from that trial.
As we create our desire list and then let go of the outcome. We can feel good that higher power or God is going to bring to us our desires in just the right fashion and time frame that is best for us. It is fine to fall back and use the Soul or General way to remind our heart or spirit about the feelings of what we desire but we need to recognize that higher power or God doesn’t ever forget what is on our desire list. He will provide the opportunities for us to take action on, that will lead us to our desires in perfect due time for us.

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