Graduate Call Notes 5-20-14: Step 4 of the Law of Attraction

Visualizing outcomes with feeling – Nevillizing
– Coined by Joe Vitale
– Neville Goddard, Author and teacher

Importance of visualization
– Be clear and detailed
– Use bright color
– Use large images
– Visualize for 3 to 5 minutes
– Visualize BEYOND the goal!!!
*Life “as a result of”
*As though you are living it
*As though you already have it

Importance of emotion
– Emotion stimulates the subconscious mind
– Emotion is energy
– Positive emotion attracts positive results
*Excitement + Gratitude

Create emotion first!!!
– Recall an experience that made you feel excite/Grateful
*Relive that experience
– Attach your visualization to your emotion
*Easier than attaching emotion to visualization

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