Graduate Call Notes 6-24-14: Steps to Live on a Higher Level

Today for our Graduate Call we had many people on the call that allowed very unique questions and comments. This allowed all on the call to benefit from more personal insight. We discussed several steps we can take to keep ourselves more open to listening to our Spiritual Side and being more open to inspiration and enlightenment.

Steps to Live on a Higher Level:

  1. Treat others, as you would like to be treated.
  2. Do things that are for your highest good. Take actions that are good for you and also for the good of others.
  3. Keep your Heart open. Act with loving kindness at all times. If someone acts unkindly towards you, bless them with love.
  4. Prioritize your Life so that you have more leisure. You cannot be busy, busy, busy, and maintain your openness to higher inspiration all the time. Take time to relax, spend time with those important to you and enjoy your life.
  5. Treat things lightly so that you enjoy fun and laughter.
  6. Surround yourself with other positive minded people.
  7. Keep your Home in accordance with good energy. Learn to work to keep your home clutter free. Make it a safe refuge from negativity. Beautify it with flowers, good music, and colors that will assist with this.
  8. Emanate a vibration, which attracts work that satisfies you.
  9. Live with an abundance consciousness.
  10. Live as a Master. Work to learn to keep all things in balance. We need to learn to keep our passions, desires, and concerns in balance. We are becoming more like God or Higher Power when we learn to do this.
  11. Remember you are part of Oneness with Nature, and the Cosmos. All things were created under the hand of God or Higher Power. Because of this we can feel a connection to trees plants, animals, etc. We can feel gratitude for the stars, moon, and planets and how all things work in perfect harmony.
  12. Listen to Divine promptings to guide us throughout our life.
  13. Eat appropriate food, get the right amount of water, sleep, exercise, and gain power from Vitamin D from the sun.
  14. Have a spiritual attitude to all things. Look at all situations and people from the same perspective as God or Higher Power does. Bless that which is of a lower vibration to give it choice to bring it to a higher level.
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