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The Three Steps of Healing

By Janeen J. Detrick, copyright Oct. 25, 2011, all rights reserved Love is the only thing that heals! No matter what the modality, they are only tools, and the tools have no power. Our belief in them is what gives them their power! If you like them, use them! If you need them, don’t judge yourself! Remember that even allopathic medicine is divinely inspired, and is a tool to be utilized until we evolve past needing them, and have faith to be healed! 1. Remember Who you REALLY are! “I […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Negative Feelings 10-11-2011

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What do I do when I have a “bad” feeling??

By Janeen Joy Detrick 1. First, realize that feelings are not facts. 2. Anchor yourself to the moment! So often we have out of the moment thinking, and that is where the negative 3. Recognize that if it makes you feel bad, it can’t possibly actually be based on a correct perception! The divine truth will always make you feel uplifted and energized! If it makes you feel bad, it is not divine truth! 4. Ask yourself, is this A) chronic or B) fleeting. B) When they are fleeting, sending […]

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How to Detach From Rejection!

By Janeen J. Detrick The thought processes that keep us attached to what someone else thinks about us are largely rooted in three different mistaken beliefs: 1. “I am responsible for other people’s responses, and they are responsible for mine; They shouldn’t hurt my feelings!” The fact is, no one can MAKE YOU feel a certain way! The energy of your response was inside YOU, so therefore they didn’t do anything to you, except serve you to show you where you have a hook! If someone goes fishing to try […]

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Simple Ways To Keep Your Heart Chakra Open!

A New Level of Trust The steps that deepen your ability to trust both other people, and your own ability to ascertain whether you are hearing from your own internal guidance system are: 1 Reverence the divinity within everything! Other people, the plants, the cats, the dogs, even people you think are “making bad choices”! 2. Suspend all judgment! 3. “Pray” for the spiritual gift of discernment, which is nothing at all like judging! 4. Recognize that imaginary fear is a directional sign that points you IN the direction of […]

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Overcoming Hating Yourself

Response to a student about overcoming hating herself The following transcript is a response to a student who asked me to help her stop hating herself. She couldn’t see how anyone would ever love her because her parents didn’t and her two ex-husbands were abusive to her. This is my response. Maybe it will help you, too! Janeen J. Detrick Oh, Sweet you! You have chosen to come into this family and be born to parents who would say these things to you NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE SO BAD, but […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 8-2-2011

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Being Verses Doing

Doing this and doing that, trying to change my way. Chasing programs and chasing joy…. Is chasing it away. What if I stopped, and just sat here And let it all come TO ME? The energy of chasing would cease to whirl, and I could then… JUST BE. What obligation presented itself And I believed it’s lie? And bought into the thought that I am not enough Just Being Me, Myself, and I ? Surely accomplishment earns other’s love But that love isn’t love at all! Conditions erase the power […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 6-21-2011

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Allowing Script Example: Attracting Negative People

A student asked a question of how to discharge the energy of continuously attracting negative people. She says she has been focused on attracting positive people, but still, only negative people come into her life! The solution? Write an “allowing script.”  Allowing scripts discharge the negative energy inside us AGAINST whatever it is we are AGAINST (like the fear of attracting negative people). When we have no energy inside us on the issue, how can we possibly attract it? We tackle it from ALL directions, allowing EVERYTHING, and RESISTING nothing! […]

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