Overcoming Hating Yourself

Response to a student about overcoming hating herself

The following transcript is a response to a student who asked me to help her stop hating herself. She couldn’t see how anyone would ever love her because her parents didn’t and her two ex-husbands were abusive to her. This is my response. Maybe it will help you, too! Janeen J. Detrick

Oh, Sweet you! You have chosen to come into this family and be born to parents who would say these things to you NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE SO BAD, but because you knew that the only way to prove your triumphant belief in the divinity within yourself was to TEST IT!
You see, when we actually see that we picked this, we stop blaming them and start seeing how
1) Quickly we buy into whatever mean things are being said to us.
2) We are the ones who attracted the mean people!
3) Why? Because we abandon loving ourselves!
4) And your Soul, from your pre-existant state, KNEW that you needed exactly THIS family in order to be challenged enough to start loving (yourself FIRST!) and stop blaming!

I know this might be hard to hear, Sweet Friend, but you WANTED these mean people in your life so that you could LEARN TO TRANSCEND the energy of not loving yourself!

Think about Jesus: “Father forgive them for they know NOT what they do.”

That is true! They were clueless! And so were your parents and those silly husbands!

In point of actual fact, NOTHING BAD HAPPENED unless you choose to think that it did! What is name calling? So what that they called you names? They took money from you? BIG DEAL! It was never your money; itwas God’s and more is always on the way, so they can’t take anything away from you, because you were just using it anyway! And if you LET THAT GO, then you are posturing GOD to be your debtor now! AWESOME, because HE pays with dividends! Forgiving makes God give to you!
Would you rather some stupid man have to give you some money, OR GOD,who gives it multiplied?

If someone comes up to me and calls me names, I will just send them love and think there must be something wrong with them, and hope they start to feel better. And why will that be my response? BECAUSE I LOVE ME, COMPLETE WITH ALL MY WARTS AND WEAKNESSES!

You love yourself! THAT is the answer to
1. Never buying into anything “bad” anyone ever says about you
2. Never being able to attract CREEPY PEOPLE who would say and do mean things!

Imagine it: the energy of loving yourself is what draws loving people to you!
The energy of hating yourself, which you always did in the past, is why you attracted all those jerks!

THEY didn’t do it to you; YOU DID!

I love you!

As soon as you start forgiving yourself for whatever you think makes you so awful, then no One will ever be attracted into your life who would ever think “bad” things about you, because YOU don’t think “bad” things about you!

Write a list of 50 qualities about yourself that you admire! That’s an assignment!

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