The Three Steps of Healing

By Janeen J. Detrick, copyright Oct. 25, 2011, all rights reserved

Love is the only thing that heals! No matter what the modality, they are only tools, and the tools have no power. Our belief in them is what gives them their power! If you like them, use them! If you need them, don’t judge yourself!
Remember that even allopathic medicine is divinely inspired, and is a tool to be utilized until we evolve past needing them, and have faith to be healed!

1. Remember Who you REALLY are!
“I am the god of the body I inhabit. I control IT; Not the other way around!”

2. Radical Forgiveness of both yourself and your ancestors (This includes those family members still living.)
A) Forgive All, because nothing bad is happening. Since it all works to promote societal evolution, and everyone did the best they could do, even if it was lousy, there is actually nothing to forgive!
B) Grace (undeserved, unearned favor) flows through the parents and ancestral line. Grace in your health and immune system flow as a result of the energy inside you regarding your mother’s side of the family. Grace in your finances flows as a result of the energy inside you regarding your father’s side of the family. Do a visualization wherein you ASK them for their blessing and grace! Remember to be willing to forgive them for any “offense” you thought you saw or knew about. Allow yourself to really FEEL this grace being extended to you, and you thanking them!

3. Speaking LOVE to your cells.
A) The basic healing phrase is “remembering it’s wholeness.” All spoken words must indicate a wholeness that is being remembered.
Examples are, “My stomach lining is remembering it’s wholeness.” “The nerve endings to my left arm are calming, relaxing their impulses, and remembering their wholeness.”
“ My veins and arteries are free of inflammation. Blood flows smoothely and easily through these passageways.”
B. “ My brain is releasing DHEA throughout my body”.

C) Turn “ON” the epigenome that has been turned off.
“The epigenetic encoding in the morphogenetic field surrounding my ___________(stomach, or whatever organ you are healing)is being switched back on, and is remembering it’s wholeness!”

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