Simple Ways To Keep Your Heart Chakra Open!

A New Level of Trust
The steps that deepen your ability to trust both other people, and your own ability to ascertain whether you are hearing from your own internal guidance system are:

1 Reverence the divinity within everything! Other people, the plants, the cats, the dogs, even people you think are “making bad choices”!
2. Suspend all judgment!
3. “Pray” for the spiritual gift of discernment, which is nothing at all like judging!
4. Recognize that imaginary fear is a directional sign that points you IN the direction of doing it! That imaginary fear shows you the direction of your growth, and that’s what god energy does: It grows, it creates, it expands! You are following divine guidance every time you get imaginary fear! Fact fear is different; It is a directional sign pointing you away from doing the thing! Fact fear is sometimes calls “the fight or flight response. Fact fear is based on facts which clearly cry “danger!” Fact fear is based on data that does not change, no matter who is looking at it. Imaginary fear is just all in your head; “What if it doesn’t work?” Is just imaginary fear; There’s no facts in it!

Simple Ways To Keep Your Heart Chakra Open!
By Janeen J. Detrick

1. Hold Rose Quartz in your hand!
2. You can also use other “fourth chakra” rocks: Malachite, green aventurine, green calcite, mango or pink calcite, garnet, pink opal, rhodonite, ruby. As you can see, any stone that is pink or green!
4. Chant! “Fa” is the musical note that that resonates the heart chakra (You know; Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do!!!) You can also chant “Aum”, or “OM”.

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