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Overcome Addictions

Six steps: To overcome addictions, change the energy into the energy you sense when you feel successful, and associate the behavior with pain! 1. Write a list of every time you can think of wherein you SUCCESSFULLY RESISTED an urge: You didn’t slap that person when you felt like it. You didn’t flip that driver off. You didn’t shoplift at that store. You’re a master at this! Record your empirical evidence! 2. Notice where you felt the energy in your body of that ability to resist an urge: Was that […]

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The Steps in Conflict Management

Step One: Prepare A. Write a list of concise bullets points of what you want to communicate, using “I Feel” language! (No “YOU” language!) This preparation helps you be concise, so you don’t ramble on and on, chasing rabbits and never getting to the point! B. Rate each item on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being strong energy, so you are prepared for compromise, if necessary. Step Two: Set an appointment! No emotional dumping! Just because you feel like saying it, doesn’t mean that is a good time […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Conflict Management 3-20-2012

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Theta Yogic Breathing to Quiet the Mind

Theta Yogic Breathing! To stop the brain chatter! Theta yogic breathing just before bed. First, do a breathing test through each nostril individually, so you can discern which nostril is currently dominate. You will have to do this each time you begin a theta yogic breathing implementation, as the nostril which is dominate changes all the time. Hold your dominate hand so that it seems to have only three fingers ; The index finger and middle finger function as if they are one. The pinky finger and the ring finger […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Attitude 1-31-2012

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Three Steps to Overcoming and Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Releasing Limiting Beliefs is a Three Step Process. First, you have to identify the limiting belief, but this is not what I am referring to as “step one” when I say that the process for releasing limiting beliefs is a three step process. Step one of the three step process is to neutralize the negative energy inside you about the belief, if you are feeling negative energy inside you about it. Remember that “negative energy” is just another way of saying “negative feelings”. If you are able to think clearly […]

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The Three Categories of Limiting Beliefs

So, you want to clear ALL your blocks….your limiting beliefs….your counter intentions. Wow. That probably feels like it will require lots of time, and lots of effort, doesn’t it? Assignment step one: To get started, I want you to write a list of every limiting belief you think you have! Yes, list them. Number them even; a one line synopsis of each one that you think you have! Even if that list reaches 162 limiting beliefs, or more….. I have good news for you! All limiting beliefs filter into only […]

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Self Esteem and Confidence

Self Esteem and Confidence Precepts regarding self esteem: 1. Self esteem is derived through taking the action steps that our higher self has inspired us to take! 2. Do baby steps toward that inspired goal DAILY! At least ONE action step per day! 3. Release valuing “the tribal opinion” of what you are choosing to do. “If I only do that which the tribe wants me to do, there will be no societal evolution, and I will not have contributed anything to the growth of consciousness!” 4. Associate NOT doing […]

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How to Love Yourself and Feel Worthy to Be Loved

By Janeen J. Detrick 1. Release the expectation of perfection (whatever that is, anyway!), and embrace PROCESS. Isn’t it actually really okay that you have things you need to learn? Release the belief that you are not valuable unless you are PRODUCTIVE! I have a 26 year old step-daughter named Jennilee who is permanently going on eight years old. She will never accomplish much! Is she of no value? Jennilee has eternal reasons why she chose, from her pre-existent state, whatever that was, to be born into a disabled body! […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Limiting Beliefs 11-8-2011

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