Overcome Addictions

Six steps: To overcome addictions, change the energy into the energy you sense when you feel successful, and associate the behavior with pain!

1. Write a list of every time you can think of wherein you SUCCESSFULLY RESISTED an urge: You didn’t slap that person when you felt like it. You didn’t flip that driver off. You didn’t shoplift at that store. You’re a master at this! Record your empirical evidence!
2. Notice where you felt the energy in your body of that ability to resist an urge: Was that energy between your shoulders? IN your heart? In your head? What color was that energy of success? Was it solid or translucent? Moved? Still? Describe it!
3. Now…Notice the energy of craving. Where do you hold the energy of craving in your body? In your back? In your heart? Head? Describe the energy of craving. Still? Moving? Color?
4. Now, manipulate the energy of craving by imagining that you are taking it OUT of that part of your body, and putting it into the part of your body where you feel successful! Imagine you are touching the energy and changing the color into the color of your “success energy”. Make it move like the “success energy”. Make it be just like the success energy is!
5. Now consider the picture you have in your head about participating in the addictive behavior. You are very likely attaching pleasant thoughts to it like, “Smoking is relaxing…taking a break… being nice to myself.. .getting fresh air outside.” Since those are only thoughts, change the thoughts! Change that picture to something horrible, like…”Smoking makes me live in the poor house, with wrinkly yellowed skin, lumps at my fingertips, stinky breath and the earth’s atmosphere is choking and can’t breathe when I do that to it! If I go outside and smoke, I’m killing the tress and atmosphere and animals! I’m giving animals cancer!”
6. Now picture a cigarette in front of your face, with THAT picture in your head! How much desire do you have for it now? Imagine yourself smelling it…and then holding that success energy you realized in number two above. Imagine yourself GAZING at the cigarette…and NOT caring one bit!
See how easy it is to change!

If you need help finding a negative picture for whatever YOUR addictive behavior is., just email it to me, I’ll give you some suggestions to get your creative juices flowing!

Janeen J. Detrick

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