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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs About Money

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick I. Epiphanies About Money Money is only an energy which the world we live in uses as an expression of appreciation. Money is merely a representation of abundance of every kind; love, health, money; it is all always flowing! The only limitations are in my ability to RECEIVE of the abundance that is always flowing! Everybody can have as much as they want, in direct proportion to how they have learned to vibrate to attract it! There is equilibrium in the universe between giving and […]

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How can I tell the difference between “Divine Inspiration” and “My Ego”?

Discerning the voice of your internal guidance system. by Dr. Janeen J. Detrick Basically, the answer is so simple; SO simple! Ego is exterior motivation: Edging God Out!  INSPIRATION means “in” and “Spirit”. Spirit means breath. That which comes from within and gives you the breath of life!  That is divine inspiration! If it depresses you, it didn’t come from God. If it makes you judge someone else as being “bad”, it doesn’t come from God, because God loves us all and sees everybody’s perspective! If it makes you feel […]

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The Transformational Trilogies

By Dr. Janeen Detrick The 3 Universal Laws The Law of Attraction The Law of Allowing The Law of The Moment The Law of Attraction is that “like attracts like”. This means that anything that has come into your experience shows you what energy is inside yourself! Change the energy inside yourself, and your circumstances will change! The Law of Allowing states that since everyone gets to create their life exactly how they want it to be (sometimes unconsciously!) YOU have to allow them to! AND you have to allow […]

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Giving of Time and Money

Giving of Time and Money Plus, an explanation about “Ho’oponopono” By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick Many of the thoughts I share here are my interpretations of what ACIM (A Course In Miracles) and also the book by James F. Twyman, The Moses Code, teach about giving. 1.Intentions: What’s your intention in giving? You will receive it back in direct proportion to the energy of your intention when you gave! The Moses Code 2.ACIM; In the preface, page 13, teaches that forgiveness reflects that giving and receiving are the same. 3.Prayer; […]

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Life Lessons Learned Through Real Estate

A student asked me to discuss what I’ve learned over my 30 years as a real estate broker, and investor. Wow….A Lot! So, this is an attempt to summarize those lessons! 1. How to leave effective voice mail messages. Really! It’s important! 2. Excellent Follow Through Skills 3. How to listen to collect more information, for successful negotiating. 4. Persistent Perseverance 5. Don’t babysit your deals! Pay attention to the deadlines, and where the deal I sat in the process, but then immediately move on to do another deal, while […]

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The Art of Communication RULES

There are 10 simple rules for communicating effectively that, if observed, will save you a lot of grief, and build better relationships! 1. Any time something could be difficult for the other person to hear, set an appointment for when you will deliver the message. Do NOT just blurt it out! That isn’t fair to them, because they were not prepared to hear it just because you had an emotionally charged reaction! 2. Plan to keep it very brief and concise, having thought it through in advance, so you can […]

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Conquer Yourself!

1. You must first set the intention, THEN surrender it! If you surrender first, you won’t create anything! 2. You are always making choices of which voice you will listen to; the ego, or your inner divine. Choose not to listen to the voice of the little scardy-cat ego, and choose to listen to your inner divine! 3. …Because…after all, you are not those thoughts! Most people think that if they have a negative thought, they must not be fixed yet! But the thoughts will always be there; They won’t […]

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Your Internal Facets

Know Thyself!! 1. Have you done the assignment yet of doing the internet research to pull a list of feeling words? If you can’t describe how you feel, how can you communicate YOUR FEELINGS? 2. Understand the shift in the earth’s energies that happens with Dec. 21, 2012: You Tube Video: 2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films® 3. Book by David Horsager, The Trust Edge. 4. Notice when you get triggerd! “What within me made me afraid and caused to me get triggered by that?”

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Chart Your Success

Charting your success means that you break down your short term goals into tiny baby steps, then record your completion of it, in order to re-program yourself that you are successful! This principle is called “the kaizen principle”, as “kaizen” is a word which means, in Japanese, “the tiniest step”. Business Consultant Edward Demming nearly single handedly turned around the economy in Japan after World War II by teaching the major corporations how to encourage new habits in their employees by inspiring them to take the tiniest step imaginable toward […]

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Halloween Poem

Stir the cauldron; Boil the pot! Energy herein, multiply a lot! We hold our intentions This time of the year Together creating Abundance and cheer! We look our worry We allow all our fears! With detachment we summon The memories of years! We look, and we see! Then fear we no more! For look dispels darkness and So now we assess that What had held us captive is What we can bless! Liberty stirred! The anger released! We triumph together and create new world peace! Come with me good witches […]

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