
Conference Call with Joe Vitale 8-23-10

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-17-2010: Goal Setting

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-10-2010: Life Mission Statements

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Attracting money by surrendering your attachment to it!

You have been thinking that money was the only way for you to get the life you want! Haven’t you? What if you surrendered thinking that the only way you can have the life you want was by getting lots of money? Do you realize that there are many many ways for you to have the life you want without it coming through MONEY??? Literally, money is only ONE METHOD through which the life you want can come to you! If you want to travel the world, couldn’t your company […]

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Short, Mid, and Long Term Goals

1. Why write them out with a deadline when it doesn’t serve us to be attached to outcome?? To establish priority! Your subconscious mind buys in to giving you energy in this priority, in order to accomplish them in this priority. 2. Short-term goals are from now to about two years from now. 3. Mid-term goals are two years to about five years from now. 4. Long-term goals are from five years, to infinity! 5. Establish goals with the end in mind – Your Life Mission. If that’s overwhelming, think […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-3-2010: Value Driven Priorities

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Protected: Graduate Call 7-27-2010: Fear Can Make You Sick

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Fear can make you sick!

Fear can make you sick! What is going on, physiologically, when you allow yourself to feel fear? Also, Fact Fear verses False Fear; A new paradigm for fear! On a cellular level, when you allow yourself to think unbelieving thoughts long enough to feel “fear”, you are literally creating death inside your body, on a cellular level. In the book by scientist Dr. David R. Hawkins Power Verses Force, there is a chart showing the calibrations of vibrational frequency of various emotions. He explains how any frequency below 200 leads […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 7-20-2010: Leadership Thinking

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The Eight Types of Intelligence

Psychologist Howard Gardner has identified the following distinct types of intelligence in his Multiple Intelligences Theory (“MI Theory”) in the book “Frames of Mind.” The types of Intelligences that he has identified are intrapersonal (ability to recognize and understand one’s own feelings) and interpersonal (the ability to recognize and comprehend other people’s feelings), logical, linguistic, visual (special), kinesthetic (movement), and musical. My purpose in this brief article is to help parents identify their child’s strengths, and conversely to recognize areas which need encouragement in order to be developed. For the […]

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