Attracting money by surrendering your attachment to it!

You have been thinking that money was the only way for you to get the life you want! Haven’t you? What if you surrendered thinking that the only way you can have the life you want was by getting lots of money? Do you realize that there are many many ways for you to have the life you want without it coming through MONEY??? Literally, money is only ONE METHOD through which the life you want can come to you!

If you want to travel the world, couldn’t your company decide to send you on speaking tours all over the world? Couldn’t a friend get permission from an airline to transfer an unused ticket to you, so you can go instead of whoever couldn’t go? Isn’t what you want is the traveling the world? And all this time you’ve been thinking you wanted the money! No you didn’t! You wanted what you could do WITH the money! So…Allow yourself to realize that you don’t need money to have that lifestyle! Just hold in your awareness the great feeling of experiencing all the places you want to experience.

Maybe what you want money for is so that your employees will be paid. So, what you’re really wanting is for your employees to be okay! Just hold THAT in your awareness! Thinking that it has to come from giving them money is attachment to just one way for it to happen that they have a great life. Let go of thinking it has to come through money! Just hold in your awareness that they are happy, fulfilled, blessed, and love you, and you love them back! Hold that in your awareness, not one method for getting that!

So, in effect, you have been dictating to the Divine the one way you will allow “Him” to provide for you! Silly, isn’t it? When “He” has so many more resources for giving it to you than that! Ha!

There are three other suggestions I want to share with you about attracting money;
Ask, Give, and Get Grounded.
Ask: Have you noticed that in every religion, and also in all universal energy principles, there are the equal opposites taught of ASKING, and also of GIVING, and that they BOTH yield the same outcome; You receive! You ask, you receive. You Give, You receive! How cool! The Universe functions by this same principle; Yin/Yang; the tide goes out, the tide comes in. In the Tao Te Ching, which is ancient Chinese Wisdom written in about 500 BC, chapter 81, it teaches this same concept; One must ask, and be willing to receive, and also One must give, so he can receive. It is every bit as important that you be willing to ASK for business, for help, for money, as it is for you to GIVE help, business, and money to others. For the purposes of this article, what I am talking about when I encourage you to ASK is that in order for you to attract money, you should ask people for business referrals! “Whom do you know who might benefit from my products and services?” Ask people for their business!

Now, since the equal opposite energy is GIVING, also give them something, and for the purposes of this exercise, I suggest you give them a plant. Yes, a plant. Why a plant?
Get your hands in the dirt, and plant something! Then, breathe in the energy of that plant, appreciating it. Then, give it to the people you ask for referrals from! Why? A plant is of the earth’s grounding energy, which is the same as the first chakra energy, which is the manifesting energy! Manifesting energy means that you temporally see what you had been creating in your awareness. It is the temporal manifestation of money, a house, a business, food to eat, a car; You know, temporal things! Getting your hands in the earth’s energy will help you manifest what you want! This is a good reason to start loving doing yard work, isn’t it??!

So, Ask people for referrals, while giving them a plant, while holding in your awareness the life you want! It’s easy!

Another thing this GIVING exercise does for you is that it gets your mind off your self and money, and gets you to thinking about being a blessing to someone else.

Isn’t life fun?


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