Short, Mid, and Long Term Goals

1. Why write them out with a deadline when it doesn’t serve us to be attached to outcome?? To establish priority! Your subconscious mind buys in to giving you energy in this priority, in order to accomplish them in this priority.

2. Short-term goals are from now to about two years from now.

3. Mid-term goals are two years to about five years from now.

4. Long-term goals are from five years, to infinity!

5. Establish goals with the end in mind – Your Life Mission. If that’s overwhelming, think in terms of the first step. Then, the second step. And so on. Start with the end in mind, but break it down into small steps, small bite sized pieces. Mother Teresa said, “If you can’t feed a thousand people, then feed just one.”

6. When you encounter fear, ask yourself if it’s based on any facts in the current moment or if it’s just imaginary fear, based on what “might go wrong.” Either way, remember that it’s always a directional sign.

7. In breaking it down to bite sized pieces, ask yourself, “What benchmarks will I need along the way?” For example, If the goal is 100,000 in six months, then you’ll need to make $50,000 by three months. It breaks down to $16,666.67 per month.

8. Then, ask yourself what ACTION STEPS do you need to take in order to bring in that amount. For example, if the average profit from each sale is $2,000, then you need 8.33 sales per month. Then ask, (action steps again) “how many sales calls does it take to make 8.33 sales? If the average is one response for every 10 calls, then you need to make 83.30 calls. How many is that per day? If you work five days, then it’s 16.66 calls per day! Now you know exactly what action steps you need to take to accomplish that goal!

9. And what if it doesn’t work out the way you’d hoped? Remember, never be attached to outcome! Maybe the prompting came to you to set that goal so that you would learn exactly the skills that the exercise of it caused you to learn!

10. Make your goals SMART: Specific(action steps!);measurable(So you can see how you’re doing!); attainable(that’s why you use bite sized pieces!); relevant (to your life mission!); timed(without being attached to outcome!)

11. Then, after you’ve broken them down to action steps to take in any given week or day, don’t forget to block that time out in your planner, so you can DO those action steps!

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