
Protected: Graduate Call 10-26-2010: EFT Training

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-19-2010: Methods for Identifying Ways to Make Money

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-12-2010: Beating the Drum of Your Current Reality

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The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change:

1) Know what you want; Be clear. 2) Identify what is holding you back. A) There are 3 things you can change about what is holding you back: Metaphors or Similes. Do you describe business as “Hell”? That metaphor doesn’t serve you! Do you refer to your kids as “The Rug Rats”? Then their behavior will annoy you! B) Your perspective about the issue. Try to see the perspective of “the Other”. C) Procedure. They way you are doing things. Do you want your wife to be more affectionate? What […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-25-10

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Pondering Your Purpose

Pondering Your Purpose Here are three questions I am asking you to consider: 1. What is it that you want to change in the world? 2. What do you want different? 3. What makes you mad? Basically, “what is your story”. Why are you doing what you are doing? People will invest money in what they are passionate about. It is exactly the problem many people have been having; They have not really completely focused on what their niche is. You have great ideas, but what type of people do […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-27-10

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Beating the drum of your current reality, causes you to keep creating it!

What do I mean by that? I mean that if you keep complaining about your lousy life, the way it currently is, you will continue to create that same lousy life, over and over again! And why is this? Because you cause your body to vibrate in accordance with what you are thinking about, which is all the lousy circumstances you have now, so your cells shoot all these strings of energy out into your energy field, then out into the ether, and all matching vibrational energy is attracted to […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-5-2010: Using a Planner

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-28-2010: The Magic of Decision

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