Beating the drum of your current reality, causes you to keep creating it!

What do I mean by that? I mean that if you keep complaining about your lousy life, the way it currently is, you will continue to create that same lousy life, over and over again!

And why is this? Because you cause your body to vibrate in accordance with what you are thinking about, which is all the lousy circumstances you have now, so your cells shoot all these strings of energy out into your energy field, then out into the ether, and all matching vibrational energy is attracted to you! YUK! Stop it! If you don’t like it, for goodness sake, quit thinking about it, or you will keep creating it!

This applies to your health too. If you have diabetes, the surest way to continue to have diabetes, is to keep cursing your pancreas by talking about how it isn’t making insulin, or is making too much insulin! If you hold in your awareness, and offer thanks all the time for your pancreas beginning to “make insulin in perfectly balanced amounts”, then your cells will vibrate at a frequency to begin doing exactly that! Your awareness of a disease is what causes you to continue to make cells that are sick!

I am not suggesting that you disregard your doctor’s instructions, only that while you are doing what your doctor says, also begin to change the way you think, so you can train your brain to change the way it is making your body act! Over time, but in less time than you probably think, your health will improve and you will have changed your body!

This is the reason that all books of scriptures warm against murmuring! Because it doesn’t serve you!

One student asked, “What do I think about to change having a messy house?”

“I am becoming a woman who is tidy, organized, and loves picking up after myself!”

Notice the framing of that affirmation, “….BECOMMING”! If you just say the opposite of the way it currently is, your sub-conscious mind may not buy into it, as it won’t believe you! Adding the words “becomming”, or the words, “in process of”, allows your sub-conscious mind to believe you! “I am becoming a multi-millionaire!” “I am in process of regenerating my pancreas so that it perfectly balances glucose and insulin!”

Our brains will regenerate our bodies into anything we want them to be……if we will hold in our awareness what we want, instead of what we don’t want! The liver that you have today is not the same liver that you had one month ago; All of it’s cells have regenerated! The only way you can create that liver to be the same way, is by holding in your awareness that way it is now!

Ignore what is, and think about the way you WANT your life to be!

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