The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change:

1) Know what you want; Be clear.

2) Identify what is holding you back.

A) There are 3 things you can change about what is holding you back: Metaphors or Similes. Do you describe business as “Hell”? That metaphor doesn’t serve you! Do you refer to your kids as “The Rug Rats”? Then their behavior will annoy you!
B) Your perspective about the issue. Try to see the perspective of “the Other”.
C) Procedure. They way you are doing things. Do you want your wife to be more affectionate? What procedure do you do as you come home from work? What have you been doing to warm her up to you?

3) Get leverage on yourself. Determine if you are linking the behavior to pain or to pleasure, then link it to pain!

4) Scramble the memories that don’t feel good to you. How? While you’re thinking about the incident or belief that makes you feel badly, do something ridiculous! Jump up and down and flail your arms and legs, while yelling! When working with a client, Dr. Wayne Dyer will get in their face and yell real loudly, while they are stuck in a pattern of negativity! People have said to him, “I’ve paid you $1,500. per hour to yell at me??” That is how he scrambles the brain synapses on that memory! Do it for yourself, and save all that money! Ha!

5) Create an empowering alternative; Find a new pattern.

6) Condition the new pattern. Do it for 30 days.

7) Test it, in your thoughts. Play the game in your head, to see that you can respond in the new, better serving way!

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