How can I understand disasters?

Thoughts by Janeen J. Detrick

My thoughts wander to what could have possibly triggered the Sept. 11th attacks, eleven years ago today. What a travesty. How can such things happen in a benevolent universe?
Did “God” do it? Why did “God” allow it? If “God” did it, how could we ever trust such a God? How could we ever trust “him” (“It”?) to provide inspiration for us, and to provide our abundance for us, if “he” allows junk like that?
Is there a nation, any nation, ALONE in their national “sins’? What the United States experienced on 9-11 is no where near what the Jews experienced with the Holocaust. And ask our black brothers and sisters if losing a mere 3,000 people in one Twin Towers attack is anything at all compared to what we did to them over many years of atrocity. Interview any yet remaining Rowandan from the Tutsi Tribe, the few there are left in this world, and ask them if the Twin Towers loss was more significant than when their entire Tribe of One Million people in a span of only 90 days were beheaded with the machetes of their friends and neighbors, the Hutu Tribe, in 1992, while the world slept…oblivious to the fact. We think the Germans committed some horror when they turned their heads, and didn’t see what was happening under their noses during the holocaust! The whole world didn’t look as slaves were tortured. The whole world didn’t look as the annihilation of half a country’s population was beheaded in Rowanda, in 1992.
And is there a race without such blood on their hands??????? NONE. We are all in this…..together….
And junk like child abuse. And junk like murder, and rape. Good grief! WHAT IS GOING ON????????

So, hate you the attackers of the Twin Towers and the plane that landed in Pennsylvania?? Shall the mania continue? Attack…attack back! Attack! Attack Back!
What if we all got a new answer to age old hate-filled questions? In the words of Todd Beamer, who died in the crash in Pennsylvania as a result of the terrorist attacks on 9-11.
“We’re going down! We’re going down! No…We’re going out on our faith; We’re gonna jump the guy with the bomb!
LET’S ROLL!!………….”

In pondering these questions….I cleared my mind of all my thoughts, having already raised these questions, and asked, “Dear God…Teach me. Cause the memory of truth and love to well up inside me, and show what is truth. Thank you.”

Then, I sat….clear minded….just sat, knowing something would come.

I felt the sunshine on my face… I was sitting in my beautiful backyard. I thought, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!” And waited….

It will take me much longer to put into words that which I received in a instant, but here goes…
Then, just as clear as if my ears had actually heard a voice (but I had awareness that it was not an audible voice, it was an inner voice…) I heard, felt, received, the calm assurance, “I didn’t do it; the fearful ego, which is just an energetic emission of fear, did it. You create, because you are a fractal of me. All creations are projections of either fear or love, emanating from whichever thoughts you choose to latch onto, and choose to ponder. The energy of every thought anyone ever holds, will radiate out into the thought field, or mind field, and become available for everyone to pick up on, and recognize as a thought. Choosing not to be afraid of what you might not get, or could lose, but rather to believe only in love, all beings would lay down weapons of attack, because they would no longer fear. Fear of loss and fear of not getting something is what creates all trauma and terror. When there is more energy on thoughts of love, and less energy on thoughts of competition for what you perceive are limited resources, all of you together will cause the universal energy to shift into creating only love. Because the universe only creates, never destroys, you must see that which you have created, even when you don’t like it, as proof of love. I, “God”, do not judge between that which appears “bad”, and that which appears “good”. Giving you what you think about is a loving function which honors your power, as a fractal of “me”. That is how it can be said that “there is only love.”
The reason most of you, in your full spiritual awareness, continue to come back into manifested form (commonly called re-incarnation), is that you believe YOU ARE those negative thoughts that you had previously chosen to ponder and mis-create with. That, however, is not accurate. But because you THINK that, you come back into this world filled with your corporate mis-creations, in an attempt to do one of four things:
1. Clear your personal mis-creations (negative karma) either during this life, OR from past lives.
2. Clear, or help them clear, the mis-creations of people you love, be it a prior physical family or a culture, whether from this life or from past lives.
3. If you grew to the awareness of who you REALLY are, a perfect spirit, you may come back to be a teacher to beings who still think they are their thoughts and they are their mis-creations, so you can “save them” from that false thinking and faulty mis-creating.
4. You may choose to come back in order to satisfy the mis-created energy by matching the energy of “it”, whatever it is, and thereby rendering the energy neutralized immediately, and of no more effect. Janeen calls this an “Energetic Messiah”. This is somewhat different that being a teacher, but both require awareness of the Truth of Who You Really Are.

So, disasters are the mis-creations of fear. The energy projects out, and when other people latch onto the energy of that same thought, it multiplies itself in the thought field, until many people are holding the same erroneous thought, and thus will act upon it, and cause all manner of horrible consequences. It can be alleviated as easily as it was created: Believe only in love, oneness, and abundance. Then, noone will ever attack anyone, because noone will ever be afraid.

Let’s consider some examples: What are Moslems afraid of that makes them attack Jews? That they will lose some land, or that they will lose the prestige of being a “chosen”, “superior” people.
What are child molesters afraid of that make them attack children? They think they are not powerful, powerless, so they subjugate people they see as less powerful than they, so they can attempt to feel powerful. If everyone knew that they are powerful creators, and that everyone is actually equal in their divinity, everyone would enjoy resting in trust and peace and joy! …And No One would be afraid that they “weren’t” anything…because they ARE everything. Corporately, we are everything. Inividually, we ARE everything. Jesus knew this, and so, he said, “I AM.”

The problem is listening to the ego, which is merely fear thoughts, that are entirely untrue. The solution is remembering who you really are, which is a fractal of God.

Can “God” be lacking in anything, ever? Is “God” ever afraid? Can there be any loss?
Of course not!

Even if a Brother stoops into attack and fear, can he rob you of who you really are? The only reason, ever, that it affects you adversely in any way, is because YOU BELIEVE that someone he has damaged you. If you knew who you really are, the spirit of YOU would rise up, and go on, as if nothing had ever happened. And that would be true. Because nothing you have ever experienced has ever damaged THE REAL you in any way, except that you keep thinking that.

Can you have lost money, since money consistently, and always flows? If you didn’t think they took something from you, then you would always have more flowing!

What if they raped you? What has actually happened? You spirit has not been damaged one bit! Not one bit! If your spirit were truly believing and whole, you would simply think, “I had opportunity to show unconditional love to a Brother just then. I gave them love that they needed. I am happy to serve.” And then you know what? You would be happy and go on your way rejoicing! If you didn’t send them guilt thoughts, and remained whole, then they would be whole with you. By you holding onto “evidence” that they hurt you, you perpetuate the cycle of guilt and attack! Why do you want to wave the flag of how your brother has hurt you? Why do you want to make him feel even more afraid of retribution than he already is, in his own consciousness? If you released him, through real forgiveness, he could stop attacking people, and you would be a healer and a messiah, reminding people that we cannot be hurt…because who we really are in invulnerable.

But perhaps you say, “But the perpetrator cut off my arms!!” And so, you continue the cycle of guilt and attack back, adding even more energy of retribution to the mindfield, rather than forgiving, and trusting the energy of all that is to make it right, with your forgiveness, and in so doing, you are equally guilt as the perpetrator! Your attacking energy of his guilt adds to the energy of all the wars in the world. This does not mean that you are not a victim; You are! And love will heal your belief in your victimhood and perhaps even cause you to grow new limbs! IF YOU REALLY FUNCTIONED OUT OF LOVE, FORGIVENESS, AND KNOWING THAT WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, AND ONE…You could move mountains…and maybe even grow new limbs…IF NOT….Then you are assisting in elevating societal consciousness by forgiving, and going on to a victorious, fulfilling life, even if you don’t have limbs!

Now, have you ever wondered why gurus still get attacked, by, for example, strokes (in the case of Ram Das) or cancer, in the case of Jerry Hicks, and Dr. Wayne Dyer?
Not to mention Jesus Christ, in the case of crucifixion?

YES…You guessed it: THEY CHOSE, just like you and I did, before they ever got here, to accomplish everything they were both teaching, accomplishing, and transcending, with their willingness to participate in the shared egoic mindfield, and came here to show us this.
Maybe they showed us how to go through it joyously! Maybe they showed you show to totally overcome it! Maybe they showed us how to transcend it, so that even though it manifested, it had no adverse affects.

But they were subject to the egoic mindfield’s preponderance of energy….and so, they became afflicted by it….This is evidence that we do have influence….strong influence in what we attract into our lives, AND remember that it started long before we showed up here…but we do not have total control. NOT until all people everywhere gain the awareness of remembering who they really are!

This emailed note and poem was submitted by a student, and I wanted to share it with you.

I know you’re going to cover something connected with 9-11, so I’m sending this to you. I sat down this morning with the question on how I’m going to move forward with my passion and move my finances forward – This poem is what came – Go figure! You can share it if you are so moved and it fits with the class tonight. I think in the poem that I’m distinguishing between sadness and reverence – the 2 feelings are not the same at all.

Celebrate This Day

Celebrate this day
with reverence
to the giving of our lives
in love,
to the courageous of us
who step forward
and sacrifice all
for love of others,
of family, of community,
of country, and
of the world –
Celebrate this day
with reverence –

Definition of reverence:
A profound feeling of awe and respect

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