Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed is always a symptom of not being in the moment. Your body is HERE, but your mind is thinking about something else that you “get” to do!

Feeling overwhelmed SERVES you to cause you to recognize when you are not in the moment, and also may be your unconscious mind signaling you that you have items in your life that do not move your life mission forward, so therefore, you will not have the energy to accomplish it!

Your unconscious mind and your feelings serve you to show you what your thoughts are thinking about! It’s as if they are saying, “Knock, knock?? Are you in there? Do you see these thoughts you’re thinking? Do these thoughts serve you????”

PRIORITIZE!! Maybe there are activities on your plate that don’t really move your life mission forward. Allow feelings of overwhelm to serve you by pointing out to you that there are things you can delete from your schedule!

Organizational skills are carried in the Liver. When your liver is tired, your ability to prioritize will suffer. Think thoughts about your liver “cleansing”. Think, “My liver is cleansing. My liver is oxygenating. My liver is resting and healing. My brain is sending healing energy to my liver. My liver is remembering it’s wholeness!”

Now, an energy medicine practitioner can do a “liver cleanse” on you, but really, you can do it yourself by thinking those thoughts! If you knew all the right thoughts to think, you’d never need a health practitioner of any kind!

The limiting beliefs that precipitate feelings of overwhelm are:
1. Lack of belief in abundant supply (in this case, of time!) Lack of belief that there is enough time is simply because you are doing things you don’t need to be doing, and your unconscious mind knows it! Prioritizing specific action step tasks, and then taking the most important ones daily, can eliminate overwhelm, because your steps were actionable, and not “generic”, and indiscernible.
“Refresh the house” is way too generic, and can cause overwhelm, but “Paint the master bedroom”, “Buy different colored throw pillows”, “Paint the baseboards in the living room”, etc, can give the satisfaction of accomplishment, and is less overwhelming! And remember to use your planner because if it’s scheduled in your planner, it’s OFF YOUR MIND! In your planner is off your mind!

2. Lack of belief in abundant supply of money! Believing that there’s not enough to go around, you THINK you “have to” hurry up and “make some”! It’s a “manic panic attack” based in fear that there’s not enough to go around!

3. Belief that I have to do everything! You are not TRUSTING the Universe to do it’s part: You are thinking that you solely create your reality, rather than trusting that you only CO-CREATE it, together with the Universe! When you are only taking action on the INSPIRED promptings, rather than conjuring up all manner of stuff you think you have to do to get the desired result, then you’ll have much more time off, and still have bigger paychecks!

4. IMBALANCE of the various facets of your life. Exhaustion is birthed in imbalance. Your spirit needs refreshing, and your unconscious mind knows it! Therefore, if you have been going, going, going, charging full speed ahead, for a long time, your unconscious will simply stop bringing up the energy to feed your choices, because It knows that your choices are not rooted in your divine inspiration! Unrealistic expectations feed overwhelm. Don’t add to your “great expectations” by making real your feelings of overwhelm. Minimize the feeling by realizing that YOU ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS! Don’t make it significant. Use the tiny voice synaptic interruption technique, and put on a high, squeaky voice, like Mickey Mouse, and make fun of it! “Oh, I’m soo overwhelmed! I’m just so weak and incapable and overwhelmed!” Using that high voice lightens up the energy and you feel better instantly…AND you’ll very likely be laughing! Also, DELEGATE!

Dr. John Gray teaches that there are 12 primary emotional blocks that trip people up, and each of these blocks require the feeling (releasing) of underlying feelings in order to release the emotional block. Soon I’ll write an entire article about all 12 of those blocks, but for the subject of this article, let’s examine the blocks that relate to feeling overwhelmed.
The emotional blocks that cause overwhelm and the underlying feelings that you need to allow yourself to feel to release them are:
1) Resentment (that I don’t already HAVE.)
Releasing feelings: jealousy, hurt, scared.

2) Self Pity that I have to do all this to “GET”.
Hurt, scared, shame.

3) Indecision, if it will “work”.
Disappointment, worry, embarrassed.

4) Anxiety that I am unsure it will “work”.
Scared, shame, anger.

Then, finally, get IN THE MOMENT! Looking back at the past doesn’t serve you, as the Universe only has one timeframe; NOW! When your body is here, but your brain is somewhere eels trying to figure out the past, or trying to figure out the future, or worrying about what MIGHT happen….All of that is NOT in the moment thinking! Your blessings can only come to you in the here and now; Not being in the moment prevents you from receiving the abundance that would otherwise flow to you! Get your brain into whatever the one task is that you are doing right now, in this moment! “Out of the moment thinking” will always deplete you and drain you of your energy, because you are not in alignment with the energy of abundance that is always flowing!

Anchor yourself to the moment by touching something near you, and noticing it; The color, the woodgrain pattern, etc. Get in the moment, then….

Count Your Blessings!

They’re flowing!

Janeen J. Detrick

3 Responses to Feeling Overwhelmed?

  1. Addie Cleveland March 12, 2013 at 3:46 pm #

    Now I know why I am so tired when I try to relax

  2. Cindy Jordan May 8, 2013 at 9:06 am #

    Thanks for An Awesome artickle! (article that tickles with truth)…. I’ve referenced it several times for a prompting reminder.

  3. Maria Del Carmen May 20, 2013 at 1:40 am #

    I’m interested to know if Janeen has written the articles mentioned in this article on the 12 emotional blocks and methods to release them.

    If so where are they located in the program.

    Many Thanks


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