Discovering Your Talents That Exist From Within

by Charles Machinski

According to the world population clock, there are over 6.7 billion people in the world. All these people are quite similar, yet we each possess certain qualities and characteristics that make us individual by nature. Traits that are known to us that make our outward appearance unique and separate from those that surround us. Even identical twins have a very separate and unique quality about them which allow people to identify them as individuals.

Just like our physical attributes that set us apart as people, we each have individual talents that are designed to help us grow into the people we are destined to become. Some talents are quite obvious to your conscious awareness where others we feel are often hidden.

By taking the time to develop whatever it is that interests you, you will begin to grow and perfect your talents. So many people do not realize they can find hidden talents in their interests. I suggest you make a list of all the things you are interested in. It might be art, music, public speaking, real estate, health and fitness or cooking. The list can continue and can be as diverse as there are people of the earth. Once your list is completed, pick out those items written down you feel are the most important to you. I want your primary focus to be on developing these items. Now notice which items you picked. More importantly, notice how those items you pick make you feel? Chances are they make you feel happy. If they do then you are in the right track. If they do not, then you need to explore the reasons why you think it is important to you.

Exploring the reasons why something is important to you is a lot easier than you think. Just ask yourself. Why is this important to me? If one of your answers does not include it is important because I really enjoy it then it does not belong on your list.

One of the secrets of developing your talents is continued education and training. Seek out the best in your field and learn from them. One trait of a truly successful person is they love to see people excel and be successful. If you want to be the best, then learn from the best in that field. If having that person personally mentor you is not possible, then study their work. They might have written a book, taped an audio program or given recorded lectures. They might even offer personal coaching! The key here is to be disciplined and have the desire to do whatever it takes to further develop your interests and required skills to ensure success.

Doing whatever it takes usually means you must take the time that is necessary to learn and grow. How can you evolve into the person you would like to become if you do not take the time to develop your talents? Now, there all lots of factors that compete for your time on a daily basis, do not fall into the trap and let time escape you by not focusing on developing the things that will bring you the most happiness and joy in your life. For instance, if you are gifted with an appreciation for music and desire to play an instrument, make an appointment with yourself to practice. Notice I said you need to make an appointment. Would you break an appointment with your boss or someone else that is important in your life? Chances are highly unlikely unless an emergency was to surface. You need to view this study time in the same way or you will become preoccupied and not take the required time to excel in whatever it is your interested in.

Feel like you are short on time and might not be able to dedicate as many hours towards developing your talents as you would like? Then re-organize your life and set your priorities in order. If developing your talents is that important to you, and it should be, then do what is required to make time. How do you make time? By exploring the ways you waste it. People spend countless hours surfing the internet, watching television, listening to the radio, texting and talking on the phone. By limiting these activities and you will be absolutely amazed at much time you can create. Once your time is freed up, be cautious not to let other competing factors absorb it. Continue to ask yourself on a daily basis. “How much time am I going to take today to develop…(whatever it is you plan on developing).” You get to fill in the blanks not someone else. Remember time is a precious gift and must never be wasted.

Once a talent is developed or further refined through self study or formal training, search out opportunities to use them to bless the lives of other people. Just like a language that is not used, if you do not use your talents they will only fade with time.

Decide today and be determined to develop and magnify you talents. In so doing you will lead a more rewarding, healthier and happier life.


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