Long Term Goals

Graduate Call notes: 9-29-09
by Janeen Detrick

Honing in on the Ultimate You: Long Term Goals!

Your long term goals should move you in the direction of your Life’s Mission!

Long term goals don’t necessarily mention any goals relative to the “job” you currently have, unless you desire to have that job long term.

You want to arrive at your ultimate destination (having accomplished your Life’s Mission!) in balance, so you will want to write long term goals in all the different areas of your life: Your career goals, financial goals, spiritual goals, family related goals, friendship related goals, and recreational goals, both with your family and friends, as well as with your spouse alone! Can you imagine having arrived at your mission, but finding yourself very much alone, because you didn’t take the time to build relationships with people you claim to love?

It’s necessary to WRITE your goals down, in order to remove them from your subconscious mind, into your conscious mind, where they are both active in your awareness, as well as conscious as an act of your will. Your goals should move you! They should stir emotion within you when you read them! That very energy you derive from that emotion will catapult you forward into accomplishment!

When you write your goals, they should be SMART: That is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timed. Zig Ziglar taught, “You’ll want to be a meaningful specific, rather than a wandering generality.”

By attainable, we mean that while they should stretch you, they must be believable to you, and you should be able to see yourself in that picture of your future; You should be able to imagine it. By relevant, we mean that they should move you in the direction of your life’s mission, not away from it! By timed, we mean that each goal should have a deadline by which you intend to accomplish it.

Long term goals are most often thought of as goals that are 15, 20 and 30 years down the road. After you have a picture of your future, then you can back into those goals by breaking them down into bite sized, short term pieces. We’ll talk about short term goals next week!

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