Why do we experience “duality”?

Most people use the word duality to express the condition of separateness , which is an expression of ego that causes us to judge other people as being “less than” we are or “bad”. This causes suffering, as we try to eliminate that which we consider “bad”. Quarrels, disassociation, personal suffering, and even war are the result of experiencing “separateness”, or “duality”.
The energy conveyed by words is very important, and our commonly used language actually reinforces “duality”. If we want to raise societal consciousness, so we see that we are all one, it would benefit us to start using the terminology which induces pictures that serve us better in this pursuit.

Consider “polarity”, rather than “duality”. Polarity is a fact of living in a physical world! “Duality”, on the other hand, is a condition of feeling detached or different than others. Polarity refers to contrasts, like male and female, hot and cold, etc. It is NECESSARY for us to experience polarities, contrasts, because that is how god consciousness evolves! That energy that we call god DOES have a learning curve, and “he” learns through us, as we have experiences! If you had never seen a tall person, and you were short, and had no knowledge that tall people even existed, how could you fully experience that you are short? If you are an ant, you think that is all there is, and have no awareness that you are tiny, unless a big doggy paw comes near to step on you! THEN, you become aware that you are tiny, because there is a comparison. So, that energy that we call god didn’t need to become more intelligent, because it is pure intelligence, except that it could not experience it’s own intelligence without bursting itself into a gazillion different aspects so it could experience all the aspects of it’s intelligence!
This is the purpose of life! This is the reason for “polarity”!

Now, contrast that with “duality”. Duality is what makes us suffer. In duality, you think there is a cause and effect. You think someone else caused your suffering. But it is actually THE MEANING YOU HAVE ADDED to the experience, whatever the experience is that you are having that “makes” you suffer, that is making you suffer! No One lese is “making you suffer”! “They” aren’t doing it to you! YOU are doing ti to yourself by adding meaning that “this is a “bad” experience!
If we lay down our judgments, we cease seeing experiences as being “bad”, and then they are only experiences; Not ‘bad” experiences!

In “duality”, you think there is another person involved. However, that isn’t actually ever accurate. Let me explain. I can use Quantum Mechanics to help describe this principle: No element can be described except in relation to another.

What does this mean??
It means that I am not me, as the person or persons around me influence the elements that make up “me”, and cause me to be different than I would have been had some other elements been present! And “they” are not “themselves”, because the element s of “me” acted upon their elements to make them the way they are! They would have been different had some other person been present! So, we are all connected, and we all influence how each other “is”!

Kind of removes the ability to “blame”, don’t you think??

By Janeen J. Detrick


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