The Three Questions That Turn People Around

By Janeen J. Detrick

To turn people around (from drugs, alcohol, depression, or anything that doesn’t serve them!):

Find a way to agree with them, when they are whining and in victimhood: “Yes, I know. That must have been horrible for you. It was lousy for me, too!”
1. How do you want your life to go? What do you wish would happen?
2. Describe it to me? (Suspend all judgment!)
3. Why does that feel good to you? What about that makes you feel happy?
Then, “That sounds like a happy future you are building!!”

If they have trouble thinking of anything that they want for their future, remember to anchor them to the moment by offering appreciation for some object around them, and describing it. This gets their thoughts onto something good, and in the moment, rather than on the past and how lousy their life is! You can even use that object to transition them into being able to think of how they want their future to look, by asking something like, “Do you think you’ll ever have one of those in your house that you’ll have some day? What will your house look like? Describe it to me.”
So, you are asking the above questions again, and this time, since you’ve gotten them off their previous train of negative thought, they will be able to think of something good that they want in their future!

Remember that you need to live the second and third universal laws:
2nd) The Law of Allowing (Allow yourself to experience that which you have attracted, and allow other people to experience that which they have attracted!

3rd) The Law of the Moment (This is the point of power! Your mind and body must both be in this moment in order to attract the abundance that is always flowing!)

Of course, you know the 1st universal law, The Law of Attraction, but you must alos live the other two in order to create the life you want!

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