Get Motivated & Stay Motivated!

Life is like a marathon: some days you can’t wait to get started, while others you struggle to get out of bed. On your best days, you rush to get showered and dressed and you’re out the door with out hesitation. The day feels effortless. You feel superhuman and that nothing can get you down. Then there are those other days when the alarm rings and you’re feeling like sludge with no energy and no motivation and no desire to do anything. This is where you’ll need to dig deep and find that desire to get on your feet and get going on your task list.

Becoming more motivated is not just a matter of adjusting your attitude; it’s also about changing your form and spirit constantly. Motivation is like vacation tine: you can never have too much of it. On the days where you struggle with motivation, you will discover that the majority of the tussle is mental. Negative stresses plague all people who have a serious pursuit. We set expectations and are trapped by what we define. Our performance can affect our job, relationships, and other experiences that play into the sense of self. Problems begin when expectations exceed abilities, which lead to excuses and drive away future motivation. The key is to not only acknowledge our shortcomings, but also to celebrate our achievements, no matter how small.

There exists another problem of being on the “comparison treadmill.” Someone else is always better, or stronger, or prettier, or whatever. This is a human characteristic that we would be well to overcome. God has granted each of us unique skills and talents. It’s up to us to find them and to develop them. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, “I saw that all labor and achievement spring from man’s envy of his neighbor. This, too, is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” All men and women, although endowed with certain inalienable rights, were in fact, not created equal, so stop comparing. You can be satisfied, and therefore remain motivated, by knowing you have done your best and given your all. Be happy with the accomplishment itself. Knowing that you could have done better can be a motivating factor that leads you toward self-improvement.

When you tell yourself that you are not up to the task, these messages come from your left brain—the center of logic and negative thinking. You need right brain strategy to overcome the left brain negativism. Since the left brain is trying to move you towards stress reduction, let it. Tell yourself that you may not do the task after all and that it wouldn’t be a big deal if you postponed your task temporarily. This will reduce the negative bombardment for a spell. Next, boost your blood sugar. Have a snack to get your metabolism kicked into gear. Listen to some up-tempo music and put on some comfortable clothes. Relax a bit, then slowly take action. Begin your task with small steps and you’ll be done before you know it. Doing this allows the left brain to relieve the stress while permitting the right brain to follow through and complete the desired chore. You’ll become more motivated for the next item on your to-do list as there was little stress with the previous undertaking.

Another way to achieve a set level of motivation is to use visualization in the process; see yourself specifically and in detail getting from A-Z. Erase “work” from your vocabulary and replace it with enjoyment. Find the fun in the assignment and note each step as a positive accomplishment. Routine can be helpful or harmful, depending on your personality. But schedules can definitely be helpful, so schedule your tasks & schedule time for yourself. You will feel motivated as you check off your tasks and complete each assignment on your list. Whatever you decide to do, you can make it work for you with the right attitude and the right plan.

Kory Koontz

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