Life Mission Statement

Questions to Light upon your Life Mission,
Creating Your Life Mission Statement!

How can I figure out what my life mission even is? What if I don’t know?
Here are three simple questions that will uncover it for you!

Interview to help students find their Mission: I call it my “2x2x2 system”, because each of the three questions will have at least two answers.

Questions to ask yourself, in order to “light upon” your personal life mission:

1) What two things (or more!) would you like to see happen, or be accomplished, in your lifetime upon planet earth, that you would like to participate in?
Examples: Delivering Free Energy to third world countries. Saving the whales. Making financing readily available for people’s business endeavors. Funding scholarships for single mothers to attend college. The elimination of religious bigotry. Etc.!

2) What two (or more!), gifts, talents or abilities do you possess that will help accomplish those? Be aware that your innate abilities which will assist you in accomplishing these, can be so natural for you that you don’t even realize it’s a gift! Do you possess the gift of teaching? Administration? Creativity? Problem solving skills? Writing? Music? The ability to make other people feel important (commonly called “The gift of edification”)? Objectivity? Sometimes it helps to ask people close to you! They can help you identify your unique areas of giftedness!

3) What two things (or more!) would you like to do with your free time or money, just because it’s fun or fulfilling for you? You do get to enjoy your life!

After you’ve answered these questions, begin forming it into a mission statement. Mention each of these answers in your mission statement! For the answers to question number one, think of a way to frame what you’d like to see accomplished as a positive injunction, not a negative one! For example, ending religious bigotry will be more inspirational if it were worded “Fostering love and understanding between people of all religions.” Use words that stir powerful emotion within you, rather than basic adjectives and verbs. For example, “ignite”, “inspire”, “elevate”, rather than “help”. Infuse, impetus, support, transform are also words that carry a high vibrational frequency and stir positive emotion!

Here is a short list of additional “power words” to get you started, but you could also do an internet search looking for additional “power words”!

Abundant; Achievement; Affirm; Alive; Allow; Amaze; Angels; Appreciate; Art; Aspire; Auspicious; Awaken; Aware; Awe;
Bathed; Beautiful; Believe; Bliss; Blossom; Bountiful; Breath; Breathe; Bright; Brilliant;
Caring; Caress; Centered; Challenge; Charged; Cheerful; Clarity; Clear; Cleansing; Colorful; Compassion; Confident; Confidence; Consciousness; Courage; Courageous; Create; Creative; Creativity; Curious;
Dance; Dazzle; Decisive; Delicious; Delight; Determination; Dynamic;
Earnest; Effervesce; Electric; Embrace; Empathize; Empower; Energy; Energetic; Energize; Enjoy; Enthused; Enthusiasm; Equanimity; Excite; Exuberant;
Faith; Fantastic; Flow; Flowers; Fragrance; Free; Freedom; Fresh; Full; Fun;
Gentle; Giggle; Glorious; Goodness; Grace; Grateful; Groovy; Growth;
Happy; Happiness; Heal; Healthy; Humility; Humor;
Imbibe; imbue, impregnate, Improve; Informed; infuse; Inhale; Innocence; Inspire; Inspiration; Intuitive; Invigorate;

As you read and re-read your mission statement, it should ignite passion within you and fuel the taking of inspired action! Pack it with power words!

Here is a template that will assist you in creating the first draft of your statement. Then, “tweak” it until it reads very smoothly and powerfully! And remember to keep it in the present tense, as if it already IS! Not that you’re “going to____”, but that you do it!

1. Start with either “My life mission is to___(this refers to the answers to question one.)___________”, OR “My Life Purpose is to_________. “ If there are more than one, include the word “and”, and connect them!
Example: “My Life Mission is to elevate societal consciousness through raising awareness of our divine interconnectedness.”

2. Now, infuse the statement with the qualities you posses for the accomplishment of these things (the answers to question number two).
Example; “I implement my superior problem solving skills and administrative prowess to develop programs for the advancement of Free Energy. Because of my social intelligence and gift of edification, people are drawn to my businesses and I retain long term clients, and friends. Through this ability, I influence governmental programs which underwrite the expansion of programs facilitating Free Energy in Third World Countries.”
Example: “I utilize my skills as a teacher and musician to influence society in recognizing the similarities of all religious teachings.”
Example:” Through my marketing and teaching skills, I infuse society with expanded awareness of the humanity of all beings, including animals, plants, and little children, furthering the awareness of our oneness.”
Example: “Through my giftedness as a writer and speaker, I…..”
Example: “As a result of my ability to listen objectively to both sides of an issue, together with my ability as a spokesperson, I create programs that……….”
3. Now, wrap it up with what’s in it for you! (The answers to question three.) Be sure this section references your financial abundance!
Example: “As a result of the financial fortress I build through the implementation of my gifts and talents, I enjoy traveling the world with the Love of My Life, and our children. We fund programs that enable budding entrepreneurs to do that which moves their mission forward, and create life long friendships with them. We garden, go dancing, and sing in our church choir as an expression of appreciation of the abundance we have been privileged to enjoy! We leave a legacy of Love.”
Example: “Because of the time freedom we enjoy, my wife and I sail around the world, just because it’s there, and we can! We donate to whatever charities we feel drawn to, and elevate our children to men and women who live lives of integrity, and fill the measure of their creation. Our fulfillment lies in the serenity of knowing that we are leaving this world as a better place.”
Example: “Through my excellent financial stewardship, aptitude for starting businesses, and ability to create lasting relationships, I underwrite the development of communities that support a holistic lifestyle, and enjoy creating covenants whereby these communities perpetually run in this inspired manner. Together with the Love of My Life, we chant, whirl, and breathe with the cycle of the earth.”

Assignment: Answer the three questions, then create a first draft of your Life Mission Statement, and email it to Janeen at If you would like my help to infuse it with power words and joy, just ask! You do not have to have it finalized to get certified in the completion of this task; But you must exhibit proficiency in comprehending how the 2x2x2 system works.

By Janeen J. Detrick

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