Attracting More Love into Your Life

Pygmalion was a talented Greek sculptor from Cyprus. After becoming disgusted by some local prostitutes, he lost all interest in women and avoided their company completely.

Pygmalion saw women as flawed creatures and vowed never to waste any moment of his life with them. He dedicated himself to his work and soon created Galatea, a beautiful stature of a woman out of ivory.

Ironically, the masterpiece of his life was this statue of a woman. Perhaps he sought to correct in marble the flaws he saw in women of flesh and blood.

Pygmalion’s Statue

Whatever the case, Pygmalion worked so long and with such inspiration on the statue of Galatea, that it became more beautiful than any woman that had ever lived or been carved in stone.

As he finished the statue’s features, they became exquisitely lovely, and he found himself applying the strokes of hammer and chisel with increasing affection. When his chisel finally stopped ringing, there stood before him a woman of such perfection that Pygmalion, who had professed his disdain of all females, fell deeply in love.

He would bring it gifts, caress it, kiss it and talk to it every day. He brought it gifts he thought women would enjoy, such as pretty seashells, beads, songbirds, baubles and flowers.

He would dress the statue in fine clothing, and put rings on her fingers, necklaces around her neck and even earrings. However, what irony that he who had scorned women should fall in love with a woman who could never love him in return!

Pygmalion and Aphrodite

Such a passion could not go unnoticed by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. She took pity on the young man and, when Pygmalion went to her temple to sacrifice a bull, Aphrodite gave him a sign. As the offering burned on the temple, the flames shot up one, two, three times.

Pygmalion went home, wondering what to make of the manifestation he had seen. When he entered his studio, however, and saw the statue, all other thoughts were banished from his mind. He ran to his statue and embraced it.

Did she seem warm to his touch, or was it just residual heat form the sunset that had warmed the stone? He kissed her.

Did the statue’s lips seem soft? He stood back and regarded her.

Did there appear the glow of life from within the marble form? Was he imagining it?

No. Aphrodite had given life to the statue, whose name was Galatea.

Pygmalion and Galatea

Pygmalion’s mind oscillated between doubt and joy. Fearing he may be mistaken, again and again with a lover’s ardor he touches the object of his hopes.

It was indeed alive! The veins when pressed yielded to the finger and again resumed their roundness.

Slowly it dawned on Pygmalion that the animation of his sculpture was the result of his prayer to Goddess Aphrodite who knew his desire. At last, the votary of Aphrodite found words to thank the goddess. Pygmalion humbled himself at the Goddess’ feet.

Soon Pygmalion and Galatea were wed, and Pygmalion never forgot to thank Aphrodite for the gift she had given him.

Aphrodite blessed the nuptials she had formed, and this union between Pygmalion and Galatea produced a son named Paphos, from whom the city of Paphos in Cyprus (this city was sacred to Aphrodite), received its name.

Pygmalion and Galatea brought gifts to her temple throughout their life and Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love in return.

The unusual love that blossomed between Pygmalion and Galatea enthralls all. Falling in love with one’s creation and then getting the desired object as wife- perhaps this was destined for Pygmalion.

Even to this day, countless people and young lovers are mesmerized by this exceptional love that existed between two persons at a time when civilization was in its infancy.

Aristotle said: He called love an “essential external good” of the highest importance with insight and knowledge being “essential internal goods.” Our true nature, according to Aristotle, is to love and be loved!

Key Steps To Attracting Love In Your Life

1)      Love yourself! Clear what is going on inside of you. Come to terms with the wonderful child of god you are. Be the person you want to attract. If there are certain qualities you would like to see in that person develop them in yourself.

A)     Make sure you know why you want it. Is it fear based? I am scared of being alone? Clear on that. If it is fear based you may attract someone with that frequencies

B)      Is it love based? My life is already wonderful, I just want someone to share it with. It would be cool. Need vs. want.

2)      Forgive past relationships: Realize nothing bad ever happens to you. It’s all part of the journey.

A)     Article of a woman: First husband cheated on her but taught her how to trust an honest man. Realized he was placed into her life to teach her to appreciate.

B)    NLP Script: Step 1) State the old Limiting Belief.
Step 2) “I used to believe that………..” Restating the L.B.
Step 3) “I believed that because …………………..”
Step 4) “I completely forgive___________, (Other person involved, if there is one, or more than one.) because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and at their then level of evolution.”
Step 5) “I now realize that ……..”(newly chosen belief, with substantiation of why it serves you better and is logical.)
Step 6) “I completely love and accept myself even though I held on to this for so long!”
Step 7) “I forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.”
Step 8) “I am so proud of myself for realizing that………….(state the newly chosen belief again.)
Step 9) “I know now that…………………….(reiterate the newly chosen belief again.)
Step 10) “Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having learned this earlier. I love you, Self. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. I Love you.

It is Done.

Work a student through it if inspired. Write it down. Or give personal script of self.

On The Blog under NLP SCRIPT about Attracting the Love Of Your Life.

3)      Love Meditation: Nevillize, Visualize what you want like it has already happen. 5 minutes a day visualize what it feels like to be with them. The energy you share.

Story of Jacob and I.

A)    Focus on what you want. If you want a loving relationship focus on loving relationships. Story of Dr. Janeen and narcissism. Story of writing my book and blog.

B)    Matthew 7: 7 ¶Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.


D)    Affirmations: · My heart is always open to love.

· I radiate love to everyone around me.

· I am surrounded by love.

· I always get what I give, and I always give love.

· My relationships are loving.

· I deserve love, and I receive it in abundance.

· Everything I do is in the vibration of love.

· I see everyone with the eyes of love.

· I love the feeling of being in love.

· My partner and I have a perfect union of two loving souls.

· I attract love easily.

· I am full of joy at how much love is in my life.

· I love myself.

· The partner I seek is also seeking me.

· My partner and I are a perfect match for each other.

· I radiate pure, unconditional love.

· I find love everywhere I go.

· Love is the foundation of all my relationships.

· I give unconditional love to everyone.

· I give love, and it is returned to me multiplied many times.

· My relationships are created in infinite love.

I am in love with myself and with my partner.

4)      Take Inspired Action: Story of the therapist: You will find love where you hang out. If you want a kind of person be where that kind of person would be.

A)    Online Dating


C)    Church Groups

D)    Volunteer

E)     Ask mutual friends who they think you would be good with: Story of Elaine and Blake.

F)     Clubs

5)      Live You best life now: Don’t have the idea “ I will be happy when… I will travel the world when… I will feel more fulfilled when…” Live as if you already had that love.

A)        Discover your life purpose.

B)        Design your ideal life. How would your life be? What would you be doing? How can you move towards this life today?

E)     Set your life goals. What are your biggest goals and ambitions? (They should correlate with your ideal life.) What do you want to accomplish in the next one, three, and five years?

F)     Create action plans to realize your top goals.

G)    Then, take action.

6)      Trust in the time of the universe/divine. Vision board with three dates on them, none of them came true. Stopped setting a date and sure enough the relationship came when it was ready. Surrender to what is.

Key Steps to feeding your current relationship

1)      Feed what you do want, starve what you don’t. I love when you… I appreciate when you…. You’re so incredible at…

2)      The two worst things one can do in a relationship degradation of character and making it an unsafe environment to share, the very worst, disengagement.

3)      Dr. Janeen’s 7 principles that make a relationship work

The Seven Principles that make for a happy marriage:

A) Maintain mutual respect for one another, as friends!
B) Daily expressions of fondness and admiration. DAILY, not once per quarter,                not once per year on your anniversary; DAILY! Create regular, small, traditions together!
C) Shared purpose, or “meaning”.
D) Know the other person’s feelings and wants, and be emotionally supportive of             attempts to accomplish them.
E) Know each other’s friends, and build mutual friendships.
F) Turn TOWARD your partner, not away from them, for emotional support          during any life transition.
G) Allow yourself to be influenced BY your partner. Become interested in the      things they are interested in, if only to enjoy THEIR enjoyment of it!

4)      Understand their perspective:

1. Never overlook the obvious; Ask them! “I’d really like to understand your perspective. Can you explain it to me?”
2. Try to imagine what pressure they are under. Is the management trying to cut the budget, so this is their response?
3. Try to imagine how you might feel if you had been in their situation, and if you had had their past experiences.
4. Lay down the ego’s need to be “right”. Lose the need to defend your point of view.

In Proverbs, it teaches to “find a way to agree”, and also that “a soft answer turns away wrath.” Finding a way to agree is not the same as actually agreeing! How can you find a way to agree, without groveling, or admitting that you’re wrong? One way is to say, “Do I understand you to mean that____(and then repeat back what they have said to you, in your own words)_______________?” Resist the urge to tell them YOUR perspective at this point. Just listen and understand them.

When you allow yourself to hear the perspective of the other person, it gives you more information upon which you can base growth. The other person feels “heard”, and then lays down their resistance to you…..and you both end up “winning”!

5)      Do clearing on emotions of anger or insecurity Funny voice technique, Ho’oponopono, NLP Scripts, river.

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