The Three Fundamental Triggers Than Can Hook Us

Underlying every problem we think we have or see are these three errors.

  1. We think we are the thoughts that occur to us. We aren’t! They are shared and in the collective consciousness.
    1. Use the “thought technique”:
      • EEWWW! That thought can’t be me, because I don’t like it.
      • I feel sorry for the person who vibrated that thought from their heart and shot it out into the thought field.
      • I send them love; I send them love; I send them love; I send them love. This transforms the thought impulse into the vibrational frequency of love, instead of what it used to be: that low, slow, heavy vibrational frequency of the yucky thought.
  2. We think that if we have a feeling, and it is a feeling which doesn’t feel so good, that it means something. It doesn’t! Just stop thinking, and allow that feeling to pass through, so it can leave your energy field.
    1. Use the “imaginary energy surgery.”
  3. We look at our current reality and call it like we see it; effectively re-creating it again. The only reason to observe the way it currently is is so you can ascertain if you like the way you created it, or if you choose to create it differently. Then, create it differently by being grateful for what you have and you’ll get more things to be grateful for. What looking at your current reality and saying that “this is the way it is” does to your life, is that you are then projecting your past onto your present and also onto your future, so you are not even seeing the present, you are only seeing the past.

Let go of these three “umbrella triggers” and you’ll have peace and joy in your life.

Dr. Janeen Detrick


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