3 Step Clearing

Feeding what you want is easy; the emphasis is placed on starving what you don’t want with your thoughts and feelings. Your habitual state of consciousness is the number one factor influencing your personal experiences.

Check in 10+ times a day with the Question “How do I feel right now?”

You can use a reminder app on your phone, an alarm on your phone, sticky notes placed in random places, paint one fingernail different from the rest, wear your watch on the opposite arm, or put a bandage on your finger. Every time this catches your attention ask yourself,  “How do I feel right now?” If there is only positive feelings then just say to your Self “thank you for checking in, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

If there is ANY kind of negativity, it is false, based on interpretation and is simply an old program running and it’s time to do the following 3 steps


1 These Specific Words – There it is, That’s not me, That’s a program.


2 Observe it deeply – What physical and emotional sensations do I feel? Where do I feel them? Or simply I feel it (here), it feels like (this).   Realize who is doing this inquiring?


3 Thank You, I love you I love you I love you- Thank you for no longer feeding the program, Thank you for dis-identifying from the falsehood, thank you for catching yourself and no longer losing energy here. I love you I love you I love you!


There it is. That’s not me. That’s a program.


I feel it (here), it feels like (this).


Thank You, I love you I love you I love you


These steps are not for the purpose of getting rid of the negative feeling, ie resisting and therefore feeding what we don’t want. That benefit may sometimes come with it but this practice is more about implementing a new habit. So every time you observe the emotion it is an opportunity to do this practice without judgment. When this becomes habit you will have successfully reprogrammed the unconscious perpetuation of the old reaction with the automatic newly programmed conscious response. 

It takes less than 15 seconds to do this practice.   15 seconds at 10x a day = 2.5 minutes

How many days will it take before this healthy response has become a new program for you?

One Response to 3 Step Clearing

  1. Charlotte Coachman April 7, 2015 at 10:45 am #

    Thank You so much for publishing this post. It has helped to clarify these 3 steps and I am implementing them today.

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