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The Sedona Method

The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin, is an application of Lester Levenson’s work, which he originally called “Thought Field Therapy.” It is a psycho-therapeutic method for analyzing and releasing negative feelings. Many additional renditions of this amazingly simple releasing method have been popularized through internet marketing, including E.F.T., the Emotional Freedom Technique, or “The Tapping Cure”. The Sedona Method uses no meridian stress point tapping, as does E.F.T., however they can be used in conjunction, to further deepen and quicken the intended response. The Sedona Method uses a series of […]

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Perspective Flipping

There are only three things we can change: 1. The word pictures we use to describe things. 2. Our perspective. 3. Our procedures. The purposes of this article, let’s consider the second one; Perspective Flipping: Seeing things from the perspective of Others. Accept this truth: Everything I see is only partially correct, as mine is only one of the myriad of perspectives there might be on any subject! When two people are upset, they are not seeing one another’s perspectives. To repair the “rift”, allow yourself to hear the other […]

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Radical Re-Framing Visualization

This process will change your emotional memory of any event or situation which currently troubles you. Molestation? Fear of heights? A Robbery? Being served divorced papers? Whatever it is, is it CURRENTLY in this present moment, happening to you? The answer is probably “No”. So, where is it happening, because it’s really real to you, isn’t it? Where is it happening? The answer is….in your head. It’s happening in your head. And, since it’s only happening in your head, you can change it in your head! Make sense? Step 1: […]

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Methods for Neutralizing Negative Feelings Inside Yourself

In order to be FREE to attract to yourself everything you want, you must be free of negativity inside yourself. The Universe doesn’t speak English! Or Spanish, or German, etc. The Universe speaks the language of VIBRATION, and therefore, the way you send your requests up to the Universe, for the Universe to send back to you as manifestation, is through the vibrations of the energy stored inside you, that radiates out from you. Now, this being the case, if you have negative energy inside you against YOURSELF, for example, […]

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Overcoming Everything

The key to overcoming EVERYTHING is to realize that you are here for your OWN EXPANSION (growth!); You are not here to please other people! To OVERCOME EVERYTHING, we must focus on what WE WANT, not what others have tried to get us to become. This is not a narcissistic, rebellious endeavor. Rather, when we become the best we can be, rather than submitting to someone else’s control, we add to the Universal Intelligence pool, rather than becoming assimilated into what is already there! Literally, it is selfish to rob […]

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